Page 25 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 25


          Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF are            substantial progress towards eliminating polio and
          integral for coordinating efforts and securing      ensuring a healthier future for its children.
          necessary resources.
            Here are seven major activities and strategies     The author currently serves as the Municipal Planning and
                                                               Development Office of San Jose de Buenavista, being a
          for eradicating polio in the Philippines:            licensed Environmental Planner. He is also a past president
                                                               of the Rotary Club of Antique. He has great interest in
            1.  Vaccination Campaigns: Organise and            urban planning consultancy work and actively advocating,
               execute regular vaccination drives for          coordinating, and mentoring for accessible rights for
                                                               persons with disabilities.
               children under 5 years old, particularly in
               high-risk regions. Collaborate with local
               health centres, schools, and community
               leaders to ensure widespread coverage.
            2.  Surveillance and Monitoring: Strengthen
               surveillance systems to quickly detect and
               respond to suspected polio cases. Train
               healthcare workers how to recognise
               symptoms and collect appropriate samples
               for testing.
            3.  Community Engagement: Collaborate
               with communities to dispel vaccine myths
               and misinformation. Implement outreach
               programmes to educate parents on the
               importance of polio vaccination and address
               their concerns.

            4.  Mobile Clinics: Establish mobile clinics to
               reach remote and underserved areas with
               limited healthcare access. These clinics
               provide vaccines and healthcare services to
               children and families in these communities.
            5.  Partnerships and Collaboration: Forge
               partnerships with international bodies such
               as WHO and UNICEF, as well as with local
               governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders,
               to pool resources and expertise in the battle
               against polio.
            6.  Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitor and
               evaluate the effectiveness of vaccination
               campaigns and other interventions to assess
               progress towards polio eradication. Modify
               strategies based on data and feedback from
               these assessments.
            7.  Advocacy and Awareness: Advocate for
               political and financial support for polio
               eradication efforts at the national and local
               levels. Raise public awareness of the critical
               importance of vaccination and the benefits
               of a polio-free Philippines.
            By effectively and consistently implementing
          these strategies, the Philippines can achieve

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