Page 21 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 21

                                             Strong and Brave Theo


               heo is a remarkably strong and brave nine-     issues—Theo continues to reach developmental
               year-old boy who has faced significant         milestones and make significant progress. Each
          Tmedical challenges since his premature             breakthrough provides his family with more
          birth on February 20, 2015. Born in the 35th week   reason to strive towards helping him become
          of pregnancy due to pre-eclampsia, a condition      self-sufficient in the future. Below are the
          likely caused by hormonal imbalances, Theo has      achievements that make his family proud and
          navigated a complex health journey.                 celebrate their journey with him since his birth:
            His primary diagnosis is Cerebral Palsy with         •  An Oral Gastric Tube feeding and Oxygen
          Epilepsy, caused by Porencephaly or cystic                Support Graduate
          encephalomalacia—a rare brain condition that           •  Skipping the Brain Operation
          softened portions of his brain, leading to multiple    •  No Frequent common Sickness
          complications. These complications include severe
          brain injuries such as Intraventricular Haemorrhage    •  Controlled Seizure
          Grade 4, Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Grade 4,             •  Teeth Extraction in a Regular Procedure
          and Non-communicating Hydrocephalus due to             •  Able to eat dry mashed food and No Formula
          meconium syndrome (aspiration of meconium).               Milk since four years old
          Additionally, Theo has congenital heart disease,       •  Developing his gross motors a lot
          specifically Patent Ductus Arteriosus (CHD PDA),       •  A Genius Communicator who uses body
          where a ductus arteriosus fails to close after birth.     language, such as blinking to indicate ‘yes’,
          This condition led to a pneumothorax (collapsed           crying to indicate ‘yes’, to convey what he
          lung), which subsequently caused hypoxia (lack            wants and needs.
          of oxygen) to his brain, resulting in meningitis—a
          severe infection and inflammation of the brain and     •  A Student
          spinal cord membranes (Mayo Clinic).                   •  An advocate for change since 2016

            His secondary conditions include Genetic             •  A Traveler
          Astigmatism, which causes blurred vision;              As parents of Theo, we have significantly
          Cortical Blindness, also known as Cerebral Visual   adjusted our lives to face and overcome the
          Impairment (CVI); Inborn Asthma; Allergic Rhinitis;   challenges that come with raising a child with
          and Laryngomalacia, which is a softening of the     disabilities, especially during the first two years of
          larynx.                                             his life. This period was particularly tough since
            Theo recently underwent surgery for               we were also struggling with our own challenges,
          Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH), or        primarily financial stability, which strained our
          congenital hip dysplasia, to address and correct    relationship due to the frustrations of not being
          a dislocation in his right hip. He is also scheduled   able to fully provide for our son’s medical needs.
          to have another surgical procedure to remove the       Before Theo, we had specific life plans, such
          implant used in this correction.                    as achieving management positions by a certain
            Despite these numerous health challenges—         age and marrying at thirty. However, we had not
          referred to by his family as a “jackpot” of medical   anticipated having a disabled child—a situation no

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