Page 16 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 16

           Improve the Employment for People With Disabilities – Empowering Lives


               he Department of Empowerment of Persons        process. This involves:
               with Disabilities (DEP) highlights Thailand’s     1.  Crafting Inclusive Job Descriptions: Ensure
          Tprogress towards greater inclusivity.                    job descriptions focus on the skills required
          Over the past year, the Ministry of Labor’s               rather than physical abilities that may exclude
          Social Employment Promotion for Persons with              people with disabilities. Avoid specifying
          Disabilities witnessed an encouraging uptake in the       unnecessary physical requirements, such as
          Outsourcing Service category. Approximately 500           weight lifting, unless they are crucial to the
          companies participated, offering opportunities and        job.
          benefits to over 4,100 individuals with disabilities   2.  Enhancing Application Accessibility: Provide
          or their caregivers. This initiative empowered lives      job application materials in various formats,
          and significantly boosted the annual income for           such as Braille, audio, and digital formats
          people with disabilities (PWDs), exceeding 493            compatible with screen readers, to ensure
          million baht.                                             that candidates with visual or hearing
            Despite these achievements, the DEP reported            impairments can access them.
          that around 10% of the 850,000 working-age             3.  Training Interviewers: Conduct training
          people with disabilities in Thailand remain               sessions for interviewers to address
          unemployed. Many of these individuals still face          unconscious bias and disability etiquette.
          substantial challenges, including financial burdens       This helps to prevent discriminatory practices
          that affect their and their families’ quality of          and ensures that the hiring process is
          life. Feelings of worthlessness and isolation are         respectful and considerate of all candidates.
          common, which exacerbate mental health issues.
          Furthermore, a lack of opportunities for skill         4.  Facilitating Accommodations  During
          development restricts their potential, resulting          Interviews: Offer reasonable
          in a loss of valuable talent for the nation. Legal        accommodations during interviews, such
          obstacles also persist, leaving many vulnerable and       as extra time for those who require it, the
          without access to essential services.                     presence of interpreters, or alternative
            This manuscript aims to bridge the existing             seating arrangements, to create a fair and
                                                                    accessible interview environment.
          gaps by providing a comprehensive guide to
          hiring people with differing abilities in Thailand.    For instance, in the United States and Canada,
          It will explore the unique advantages of a diverse   strong legislation such as the Americans with
          workforce, debunk common misconceptions,            Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination
          and offer practical strategies for implementing an   against qualified individuals with disabilities in
          inclusive hiring process. Addressing various factors   all employment practices, including hiring [Equal
          to improve employment opportunities for PWDs        Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)].
          is essential for building a more inclusive society
          where everyone can contribute and thrive.           Building an Accessible Workplace:
            To effectively attract and retain talented        Employers sometimes hesitate to hire individuals
          individuals with disabilities, companies can adopt a   with disabilities due to misconceptions about
          multifaceted approach to create an inclusive hiring

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