Page 13 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 13


          lacks appropriate accessibility features, denying   enabling all citizens to fully participate in society.
          them equal access to essential services and            In Thailand, the government supports civil
          opportunities for social participation.             architecture and universal design principles
            In Thailand, a wheelchair user encountered        through policies, and various foundations and
          significant barriers when attempting to visit a     organisations advocate for these principles.
          government office for a scheduled meeting. Upon     The Civilization Foundation, established by Mr.
          arriving at the municipal building in the city’s    Krisana Lalai on September 24, 2015, campaigns
          central area, they discovered that the entrance had  for fair and friendly design for all, including the
          a flight of stairs with no visible ramps or alternative  elderly, convalescent patients, PWDs, pregnant
          accessible paths. The old building had not been     women, young children, and wheelchair users.
          renovated with modern accessibility features.       This foundation regularly assists in visiting areas
          Faced with the stairs, the individual realised he or   and coordinating adjustments to make them
          she could not enter the building independently. A   accessible, ensuring that buildings are constructed
          lack of signs indicating an accessible entrance or   with proper orientation and real components.
          an elevator compounded the issue, forcing a PWD        A team of “universal design architecture
          to call the office from their phone to explain the   ambassadors,” composed of people with
          situation.                                          disabilities, is stationed in every province
            The receptionist, while sympathetic, informed     throughout Thailand. They visit provinces to
          the individual that the building lacked the         explore and assess the accessibility of newly
          necessary infrastructure to accommodate             built places, and where necessary, co-design
          wheelchairs, and that no immediate solution was     adjustments to make sites truly accessible for
          available. Staff members came down to meet the      PWDs.
          person at the building’s entrance and suggested        Despite government policies emphasising
          that they handle the document submission and        the importance of universal design architecture,
          discussion there. However, this solution lacked     some construction sites do not adhere to these
          privacy and the professional setting required       standards, leaving facilities unusable for PWDs.
          for official business, prompting the person with    Therefore, it is crucial for them and all community
          disabilities to file a formal complaint about the   members to participate in exploring, expressing
          building’s inaccessibility. They also highlighted the   opinions, and working collaboratively to address
          incident on social media, gaining support from      these issues. Such efforts are essential for
          other disabled individuals and advocacy groups      creating genuine social opportunities in Thailand
          who had similar experiences. This collective        and globally, underscoring the need for serious
          outcry led to local media coverage, drawing public   attention to universal design and collaborative
          attention to the issue.                             development in this area.
            Following this incident, the municipal
          government faced increased pressure to improve       The author contacted disability at the age of 14, but despite
                                                               her condition, she has always maintained her positiveness
          building accessibility. PWDs’ complaint and the      and active lifestyle.  Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in
          subsequent media coverage sparked discussions        Journalism and Mass-communication at the Thammasat
                                                               University, Thailand, she is passionate about motivating
          within the government about implementing             people to live a positive life and has actively engaged
          universal design principles in all public buildings.   in delivering several speeches and motivational talks
          Plans were set in motion to retrofit old buildings   across the country. She is currently pursuing her Master
                                                               Degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at
          with ramps, elevators, and other necessary           Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. At present, the author
          facilities to ensure they are accessible to everyone.  works on communication and campaigning for persons with
                                                               disabilities in Thailand and continues her goal to motivate
            This scenario underscores the importance           and inspire people to live a positive life, and advocating for
          of accessible infrastructure in public buildings.    inclusive workplace for all.
          Without proper access, PWDs face significant
          barriers in conducting their personal and
          professional affairs. Ensuring universal design in
          public buildings is crucial to promote equality and

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