Page 8 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 8
• Needs of Unregistered PWDs: The focus on these efforts. Stronger collaboration with PWD
registered PWDs may overlook the needs communities, enhanced by support from the
of unregistered ones who may lack the Federal Territories Ministry, better enforcement,
resources or awareness to register for official and a focus on retrofitting existing infrastructure
recognition. are essential for making Kuala Lumpur truly
Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) has implemented accessible for all.
several initiatives to improve accessibility for Overall, the Malaysian government and its
PWDs within the city. However, there are also respective agencies have taken steps in the right
ongoing criticisms and challenges. The following is direction with legislation and standards aimed
a breakdown of what DBKL has accomplished and at improving accessibility. However, to create
areas where further improvement is needed: truly inclusive public spaces for all Malaysians,
including unregistered elderly PWDs, it is crucial
Initiatives by DBKL: to strengthen enforcement, increase public
awareness campaigns, and focus on making
• Universal Design Initiatives: DBKL has existing infrastructure accessible.
launched programmes such as the Kuala
Lumpur Mayor’s Universal Access Award
(UAA) to recognise developers and builders Shifting the Perspective: Towards a Truly Inclusive
who incorporate universal design principles Future
in their projects. This encourages accessible Creating truly inclusive public spaces necessitates
construction practices in new developments. a fundamental shift in perspective. It is not about
• Upgrading Public Infrastructure: DBKL has charity or special treatment; rather, it is about
undertaken projects to improve sidewalks, recognising the inherent right of all individuals,
pedestrian crossings, and public facilities regardless of ability, to access and enjoy public
with features like tactile paving, ramps, and spaces. Imagine a country where public pathways
accessible toilets. are truly public, welcoming everyone with open
• Designated Parking: They have designated arms. This is the future we must strive for, one step
parking spaces for PWDs in public areas to and one thoughtful action at a time.
improve accessibility. By dismantling the labyrinth of disregard and
working together towards a future of awareness,
inclusive design, and proper enforcement, we can
Challenges and Criticisms: pave the way for a society in which accessibility
• Limited Scope and Enforcement: Critics is not a privilege, but a reality for all Malaysians,
argue that these initiatives are limited including unregistered elderly PWDs like myself.
in scope and not consistently enforced.
Accessible features are poorly maintained The author is a former Administrative Executive at a
multinational Japaneseretail chain, has retired to become
and blocked by parked vehicles or vendors. a full-time homemaker. Due to mobility challenges, she
• Focus on New Projects: The focus may be on is now a person with a disability (PWD). Her firsthand
experience has made her acutely aware of the barriers
making new areas accessible, while existing faced by PWDs in navigating public spaces within
infrastructure in older parts of the city Malaysia.
remains largely unchanged.
• Lack of Consultation: Some PWD groups
criticise the lack of consultation during the
planning and implementation of accessibility
features, leading to solutions that do not
address their actual needs.
While DBKL has made some progress towards
creating a more accessible city, concerns remain
about the effectiveness and inclusivity of
7 April 2024 | Vol. 5