Page 7 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 7
Breaking Down the Labyrinth: A Collective Effort • Malaysian Standards: Standards such as MS
The narrative surrounding accessibility must shift. 1183 (Means of Escape for Disabled Persons)
The responsibility should not rest solely on PWDs and MS 1184 (Access for Disabled Persons to
to navigate these challenges. Instead, it requires Public Buildings) provide specific guidelines
a collective effort, beginning with raising public for accessible design.
awareness. Effective public awareness campaigns
can reveal the difficulties PWDs face in public
spaces. Simple measures such as clear signage
enforcing proper parking etiquette and designated
areas for setting up tents or picnic blankets can
significantly improve accessibility. Additionally,
regular posts on official social media platforms and
segments on mainstream television can broaden
the reach of these messages and have a tangible
Design and Policy
Design also plays a crucial role in unravelling
this labyrinth. Accessible pathways should not
be overlooked; they should be prioritised while
planning and constructing all public spaces.
Inclusive design principles, incorporating the
needs of diverse users, should be implemented
throughout. Additionally, public transportation
systems require upgrades to ensure accessibility
from station platforms and vehicles.
Furthermore, with input from the public and
unregistered PWDs, the Malaysian government
must allocate a sufficient budget for initiatives
promoting accessibility. This includes enforcing
existing regulations, conducting regular audits of A sanpshot of a normal occurrence across the city
public spaces, and imposing stricter penalties for capturing motorcycle being parked briefly on the
non-compliance. pedestrian walkway, hindering space for mobility for
wheelchair user. (Photo by Siti Fauziah Mohd Yusoff)
The Malaysian government has taken some
initiatives to improve accessibility for PWDs Challenges and Areas for Improvement:
in public spaces, but there is still room for • Limited Enforcement: While regulations
improvement. Here is a breakdown of the existing exist, enforcement can be inconsistent,
initiatives and ongoing challenges: resulting in non-compliance by building
owners and public space managers.
Government Initiatives: • Focus on New Buildings: Existing
• Legislation: The Persons with Disabilities infrastructure often lacks retrofits to make
Act 2008 (Act 685) is a key legislation that them accessible, making it difficult for PWDs
mandates accessibility standards in public to navigate older buildings and public spaces.
buildings and infrastructure. • Lack of Public Awareness: There is a need
• Uniform Building By-Laws (UBBL): for public awareness campaigns to educate
Amendments to these bylaws incorporate people about accessible parking, proper
accessibility requirements in building design etiquette in public spaces, and the needs of
and construction. PWDs.
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