Page 6 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 6

             Navigating Public Spaces: An Unregistered Elderly PWD’s Perspective

                                                             Siti Fauziah
                                                             Mohd Yusoff

         Introduction                                         leisure and recreation, may feel like battlegrounds.
                s an unregistered elderly person with a       It is common to find unsecured swings blocking
                disability (PWD), I experience public spaces   pathways or people spreading their picnic mats
         Adifferently than most people. While these           across entire areas designated for accessible use,
         environments are intended to offer freedom and       making us feel unwelcome and excluded. Public
         opportunity for all, they often pose significant     transportation, which should serve as an equaliser,
         challenges for individuals like me. In this article,   often becomes a source of stress. Challenges
         I will offer my perspectives and underscore the      include inaccessible stations, malfunctioning lifts,
         importance of collective efforts to foster truly     overcrowded platforms, and the absence of ramps
         inclusive public spaces in Malaysia.                 for boarding buses directly from the pavement,
                                                              perpetuating a constant fear of being stranded.

         Daily Struggles and Lack of Awareness
         Consider a bustling sidewalk, the vibrant artery of
         a city or its suburbs. Often, a line of haphazardly   “
         parked motorcycles blocks the path designated        Furthermore, with input from the
         for accessible use. Navigating my wheelchair over    public and unregistered PWDs,
         this uneven terrain puts me as risk of damaging      the Malaysian government must
         the wheels or tipping over. Similarly, a person with
         visual impairments may struggle to navigate due      allocate a sufficient budget for
         to poorly positioned furniture or pushcarts that     initiatives promoting accessibility.
         obstruct tactile paving. These scenarios, which      This includes enforcing existing
         may seem like minor inconveniences, represent
         the daily realities of many unregistered PWDs        regulations, conducting regular
         in Malaysia, illustrating a general lack of public   audits of public spaces, and
         consideration.                                       imposing stricter penalties for non-
            Every day, I confront these challenges with my    compliance.”
         husband, who is also a senior citizen. Although
         recent improvements to walkways and curbs               These issues result from a lack of awareness
         seem promising, they have not fully addressed        rather than intentional neglect. In the rush of daily
         the underlying issues. For instance, newly raised    life, people seldom consider how their actions
         concrete paths intended to deter motorcycle          may affect others. A motorcycle parked briefly
         parking have inadvertently become new barriers       can be a significant barrier, and a thoughtlessly
         for wheelchair users. This illustrates a critical    placed picnic mat can block vital access. These
         oversight: solutions devised without fully           small actions accumulate into significant obstacles
         considering the diverse needs of all users often     for unregistered PWDs like myself. It is clear that
         lead to unintended consequences.                     fostering awareness and empathy among the
            The difficulties extend beyond mere navigation.   public is critical to establishing a more inclusive
         Public parks and spaces, which are meant for         society.

          5              April 2024 | Vol. 5
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