Page 2 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 2



                                                               Makmor Tumin

            f we understand accessibility for Persons with    technologies. There are two basic steps to ensure
            Disabilities (PWD) operationally as the ability of   that your website is accessible. First is to conduct
          Ithose who are physically impaired to physically    a web accessibility audit. The best auditors are
          navigate through a building based on its structural   those with or have had impairments themselves.
          layout, we might be technically right. However, if   Second is to design your website according to the
          we only understand physical barriers as the only    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
          accessibility problem among PWDs, we would          In short, accessibility issues are completely different
          be wrong. For instance, those who are hearing       depending on the different groups among PWDs.
          impaired have no problems accessing the buildings,     This edition brings together diverse perspectives
          but what matters to them more might be the          and experiences from both the PWDs and non-
          accessibility of non-verbal communication, such     PWDs communities, encapsulating and discussed
          as the presence of an unimpaired sign language      the topic of inclusiveness across multiple frontiers –
          user to translate verbal communication for them.    from the importance, challenges and way forward
          If there is a policy to make sure that all buildings   to achieve the notions. It extend to discussions
          accommodate PWD-accessibility, such policy should   on policy affecting the livelihood of PWDs and
          also accommodate the hearing impaired.              wrap with inspirational stories from PWDs on their
            How about accessibility for those who are         journey, contributions and aspirations concerning
          blind? They have no issues accessing the building,   the future.
          and they have no issues understanding spoken           The magazine’s specific objectives are as follows:
          language. Many people are unaware that through         a.  To provide a platform for individuals with
          voice assistants for the visually impaired, many          disabilities to voice their ideas and concerns.
          blind people are able to access digital materials. The
          major problem of accessibility among the blinds        b.  To enable individuals with disabilities to use
          in PWD is the inaccessibility of materials in the         their skills and talents in electronic media.
          websites that are friendly for voice assistants - the   c.  To recognize the knowledge, skills, and talents
          lack of picture descriptions for the visually impaired    of individuals with disabilities in order to
          for example                                               promote and improve their employability in
            According to Mr Muhamad Nadhir Abdul Nasir,             the labour market.
          Chairman of the Communications, Advocacy and           d.  To provide individuals with disabilities
          Human Rights Committee, Society of the Blind              and those interested in disability issues
          in Malaysia, web accessibility must fulfill four          the opportunity to earn income through
          very important principles - perceivable, operable,        honorariums.
          understandable and robust. The design, interface       UM Press is the publisher of this magazine. We
          and content of an accessible website must take into   would like to thank the ASEAN University Network
          account the diverse methods of interaction between  on Disability and Public Policy (AUN-DPPnet) for
          humans and devices. In other words, a website       funding our initiative.
          should not only accommodate users of a mouse
          pointer, but also users of screen reading software,
          users who use keyboards, and users of assistive
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