Page 4 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 4

                 Are Restaurants and Food Courts in Malaysia Not PWD-Friendly?


                   alaysia is recognised as one of the        (besides the Starbucks in Penang), a five-star hotel,
                   leading countries in ASEAN alongside       has offered a braille menu for visually impaired
          MSingapore. However, when it comes                  guests since 2016 (it is unclear whether this is still
          to implementing human rights for People with        practiced). While this initiative is commendable
          Disabilities (PWDs), Malaysia lags behind its ASEAN  as it ensures PWDs are not neglected during hotel
          counterparts such as Thailand and Indonesia in      events, it only applies to exclusive events that take
          adopting policies and legislation aligned with      place only a few times a year. This is unlike daily
          the United Nations Convention on the Rights of      visits to restaurants, food courts, fast-food outlets,
          Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Article 1 of the   or cafés, which PWDs likely frequent more often
          CRPD explicitly states the goal of the convention is   every month.
          necessary to uphold the rights of PWDs,  “
          to protect, promote, and ensure that all persons
          with disabilities have access to their rights and
          freedoms and are treated with respect.
            This shortfall has resulted in inadequate
                                                              Additionally, he recommended
          implementation, enforcement, and key elements

                                                              basic training in assisting visually
          making Malaysia a less friendly country for this    that restaurant staff receive
          demographic. A common example of this issue         impaired persons and suggested
          is the unavailability of braille menus for PWDs in   that menus feature QR codes
          restaurants, food courts, fast-food outlets, and
          cafés. As of the writing of this article, few chain   printed in large letters.”
          restaurants or dining spots offer braille menus for
          PWDs. In the ASEAN region, the Philippine-based        To further understand this issue from the
          fast-food chain Jollibee has introduced a braille   perspective of PWDs, the author conducted phone
          menu for the blind and visually impaired. Similarly,   interviews with two informants on November
          a restaurant in Indore, West-Central India, has     30, 2023. These brief interviews, which lasted
          provided their menu in braille. Starbucks, a        approximately 10 to 15 minutes, included
          multinational coffeehouse chain based in Seattle,   questions on their dining experiences as well
          Washington, promotes accessibility and disability   as recommendations for making these venues
          inclusion by offering a braille menu in all its stores   more PWD-friendly in the future. No monetary
          in the United States and Canada. Furthermore,       compensation or tokens of appreciation were
          Starbucks has demonstrated its commitment by        provided, but both informants consented to have
          opening signing stores in China, Malaysia (Penang),  their responses used in this article.
          Japan, the United Kingdom, and Washington D.C.,        Overall, both informants provided unique
          which are operated by PWDs workers using sign       perspectives. Informant 1, a male, shared
          language and reflecting deaf culture, providing     his experiences regarding the first question,
          employment opportunities for this group.            highlighting the challenges he faces when dining
            In Malaysia, to the best of the author’s          in mall restaurants or outlets. He noted that big
          knowledge, only Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside          restaurants commonly face similar issues and

          3              April 2024 | Vol. 5
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