Page 10 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 10
as overt discrimination. This paternalistic approach Misinformation
treats them as incapable of making their own Fear and misinformation significantly contribute to
decisions or requiring constant assistance, even for the perpetuation of negative perceptions of PWDs.
tasks they can manage independently. A lack of understanding or exposure can lead some
While providing help when needed is important, individuals to be anxious about interacting with
it is also crucial to acknowledge that PWDs are people with disabilities, fostering social isolation
individuals with the right to make their own and further marginalising PWDs in mainstream
choices. Overly intrusive support can infantilise society.
them and inhibit their development of essential Consider a child who avoids interacting with
life skills. a classmate who has autism because he or she
believes that autistic individuals are unfriendly or
aggressive. This reinforces damaging stereotypes
and creates unnecessary barriers to social
interaction and understanding.
Furthermore, misinformation about disabilities,
often propagated through unreliable sources
and social media echo chambers, fuels negative
stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes.
Online communities that perpetuate myths
about intellectual disabilities contribute to a
climate of fear and prejudice, affecting PWDs in
tangible ways. Addressing these issues requires
open communication, education, and fostering
meaningful connections between individuals with
and without disabilities.
The Ripple Effect of Exclusion: Recognising the Wider
Prejudice and ignorance have far-reaching
repercussions that affect various aspects of life
for PWDs, including employment, education,
healthcare, and social participation. This limits
their personal growth and development and
deprives society of their valuable contributions
A man, despite not personally acquainted with the and perspectives.
person with disabilities, offering his help to facilitate the
safe movement, marking the importance of awareness Consider a talented artist with a physical
and understanding of the needs of persons with disability who is consistently denied employment
disabilities. (Photo by Aziz Ahmad Shariff)
opportunities because of his or her condition,
Consider a young man with Down Syndrome despite possessing the necessary skills and
who frequently requires assistance with tasks qualifications. This limits their potential and robs
he can perform independently, such as ordering the art community and society of their unique
food or paying for groceries. This undermines creative expressions. The economic implications of
his confidence and self-esteem, preventing him excluding PWDs from the workforce are significant,
from developing crucial life skills and a sense of underscoring the importance of inclusive practices
independence. Although paternalistic attitudes that benefit everyone. Research demonstrates that
may seem benevolent, they can ultimately companies with diverse workforces outperform
disempower PWDs, curtailing their potential for those with less diversity, and societies that
growth and self-determination. champion inclusivity gain substantial economic
Combating the Echo Chamber of Fear and and social benefits. Excluding PWDs limits their
9 April 2024 | Vol. 5