Page 15 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 15


            The problem is not with the products themselves, but   need for all PWDs, including those who are blind or
          with the designers who create them. Current designs often   have visual impairments. However, due to a variety
          prioritise aesthetic appeal and functionality for non-disabled   of factors, both within their control and beyond
          users, neglecting the diverse needs of millions, including the   it, product developers often overlook the specific
          visually impaired. This oversight in the design phase suggests   needs of this group. This oversight can make
          a lack of commitment to universal design principles, which   individuals feel isolated and disabled even in their
          aim to make products usable by as many people as possible.  own homes. Additionally, the policy landscape
            The lack of inclusive design is not only a missed   concerning this issue remains unclear, lacking
          opportunity for social inclusion—it also represents a   specific regulations that address the accessibility
          significant oversight in market potential for manufacturers.   of home appliances.
          Ensuring accessibility in product design is not merely a   Now is the time for collaboration between
          regulatory or ethical issue; it has substantial economic   decision-makers and product developers in creating
          implications. Products that are accessible to people with   universally accessible products, ensuring that no
          disabilities tap into a broader market, enhance brand   one is left behind as society progresses. Accessible
          reputation, and foster consumer loyalty. When a company is   products benefit not only disabled customers, but
          seen as responsible, considerate, and attuned to the needs of   also the manufacturers. They can create new value
          all users, it not only gains the trust and appreciation of those   through enhanced user experiences, spread the
          directly affected, but also enhances its overall brand image.  image of a responsible brand, and contribute to
            Thus, the question arises: What are the benefits for a   capturing market share.
          firm that ensures accessibility for all? The answer lies in   As a blind individual, I strongly desire for the ASEAN
          potential market expansion, economic gain, and social value.   community of PWDs to unite and raise their voices. By
          By designing with accessibility in mind, firms can contribute   working together, we can advocate for a barrier-free
          positively to social inclusion and equality, strengthening their   environment and seek balanced solutions that enable
          reputation as socially responsible entities. This commitment   touchscreen appliances to enhance, rather than hinder, the
          to inclusivity and diversity can transform a brand and build   independent living of the blind and low vision community.
          deep, lasting relationships with consumers and communities,   TThe author is currently working on a family-oriented
          underscoring the importance of accessibility not just as   project, where he works with parents caring for a child
          a niche requirement, but as a central feature of product   with disability. He facilitates these families on ways to
          development.                                         help and form an inclusive life for their children. He enjoys
                                                               reading domestic and international materials, be it books
            On the policy front, there is an urgent need       or journal articles.
          to establish specific regulations to address
          accessibility issues. For such policies to be
          practical and effective, the voices of persons
          with disabilities, particularly those who are blind
          and have low vision, are crucial. Their active
          participation in advocacy efforts is essential for
          convincing policymakers of the necessity for
          change. Implementing a clear legal framework
          that strictly defines accessibility criteria for
          home appliances can significantly enhance social
          inclusion, benefiting not only the blind and visually
          impaired community, but all PWDs.

            While I am not advocating against touchscreen
          appliances, I call for a balanced approach involving
          policymakers, product developers, and other
          stakeholders collaborating to reconcile the needs,
          interests, and capacities of consumers, developers,
          and decision-makers alike.
            In conclusion, independent living is a fundamental

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