Page 12 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 12

                      Universal Design for People With Disabilities in Thailand


               veryone should consider designing amenities    genetic factors, and congenital conditions.
               to accommodate all groups, particularly           The survey data from The Ministry of Social
          Ethrough collaboration among individuals with       Development and Human Security, a Thai
          diverse abilities to enhance accessibility in various   governmental body responsible for the welfare of
          locations for everyone. It is crucial to conduct    the Thai people, indicate an increasing number
          campaigns focused on facilities for PWDs to raise   of PWDs each year, with disabilities arising from
          awareness and promote inclusivity. Involving PWDs   various causes. Compared to the global population,
          in these campaigns is essential to ensure that their   PWDs represent one of the largest minorities.
          needs and perspectives are properly represented     It is important to note that even able-bodied
          and addressed.                                      individuals may become disabled at some point in

            In Thailand, 2,095,205 PWDs have received         their lives.
          disability identification cards, constituting 3.17%
          of the country’s population, with 1,094,210
          males (52.22%) and 1,000,995 females (47.78%).      “
          The breakdown of disabilities includes kinetic or   In Thailand, the government
          physical disabilities affecting 1,048,065 people    supports civil architecture and
          (50.02%), hearing or communication disabilities
          affecting 392,359 people (18.73%), visual           universal design principles through
          impairments affecting 188,474 people (9.00%),       policies, and various foundations
          mental or behavioural conditions affecting 164,230   and organisations advocate for
          people (7.84%), intellectual disabilities affecting
          143,368 people (6.84%), multiple disabilities       these principles.”
          affecting 143,368 people (5.91%), autism affecting     Without proper infrastructure, PWDs face
          16,783 people (0.80%), and learning disabilities    numerous obstacles in their daily lives, and society
          affecting 13,504 people (0.64%). There are also     loses their potential contributions. Consider a
          4,570 cases (0.2%) for which the data is awaiting   person with a physical disability who has to use
          confirmation.                                       public transportation in Thailand. Upon arriving at
            PWDs aged 60 years account for 55.41% of all      a bus stop, he or she finds that there are no ramps
          PWDs, amounting 1,160,898 individuals. Those in     or accessible boarding platforms. The bus arrives,
          the working age group, 15-59 years, total 854,997   but the elevated entryway makes it impossible
          people, or 40.81%. PWDs in this age group           for a wheelchair user to board safely. Despite
          and older adults predominantly have physical        efforts to communicate with the bus driver and
          disabilities, accounting for 44.11% and 56.34%      bystanders, no alternative solutions are usually
          respectively. Children and school-aged individuals   provided. Feeling frustrated and excluded, the
          with disabilities (0-21 years) account for 46,201   individual is forced to abandon his or her plans
          cases, or 30.39% in this age group.                 and seek alternative transportation, such as a
            Research into the causes of disabilities includes   costly and potentially unavailable taxi service. This
          unspecified reasons by doctors, unknown causes,     scenario highlights the daily challenges that PWDs
          other illnesses/diseases, accidents, hereditary/    face when public transportation infrastructure

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