Page 17 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
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their capabilities or concerns about the need for • Promoting Open Communication:
accommodations. Addressing this requires: Encourage a culture in which employees
• Physical Modifications: Implement changes feel comfortable discussing their needs
like installing ramps, widening doorways, or and accommodations without fear of
adjusting workspace layouts to accommodate discrimination.
wheelchairs. Countries like Iceland are often praised for
• Providing Assistive Technologies: Equip the their progressive approaches to social equality,
workplace with technologies such as screen which includes strong social safety nets and active
readers, ergonomic tools, or specialised promotion for inclusion in education, employment,
software tailored to the needs of employees and public life.
with disabilities. By addressing these critical areas—hiring
• Offering Flexible Work Arrangements: practices, workplace accessibility, and cultural
Adapt work schedules to accommodate inclusivity—organisations can ensure legal
different needs, including part-time hours, compliance while enriching their workforce with
telecommuting options, or compressed the unique perspectives and skills that people with
workweeks. disabilities bring. According to the IZA Institute
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) of Labor Economics, embracing all aspects of
provides free resources and guidance on diversity is essential for fostering a truly inclusive
implementing these accommodations effectively workplace, where disability awareness plays
[]. a pivotal role in challenging stereotypes and
“ mandating a quota system for the employment
enhancing understanding among all employees.
Thailand has implemented legislations
of PWDs, requiring companies to hire one person
According to the IZA Institute of
with a disability for every 100 non-disabled
Labor Economics, embracing all
Promotion for Persons with Disabilities project
aspects of diversity is essential employees. Additionally, the Social Employment
for fostering a truly inclusive (SEP) plays a pivotal role in supporting this
initiative through three main missions:
workplace, where disability 1. Increasing Participation: SEP aims to raise the
awareness plays a pivotal role number of companies and establishments
in challenging stereotypes and participating in the project by raising
enhancing understanding among all awareness of the benefits of hiring PWDs.
This is supported by incentives similar to
employees.” those found in several European countries,
such as Germany, which provide financial
Cultivating an Inclusive Culture: incentives to employers who hire them in
Creating a welcoming and supportive work the form of tax breaks, wage subsidies, or
environment involves: funding for workplace.
• Disability Awareness Training: Educate all 2. Providing Training and Support: The project
employees on the benefits of a diverse offers training and support to PWDs to
workforce and the contributions that people help them develop the necessary skills and
with disabilities can make. experience to succeed in the workplace.
This initiative is crucial in equipping them
• Establishing Support Networks: Set up with the tools needed for employment and
employee resource groups for individuals professional growth.
with disabilities to offer support and foster a
sense of community. 3. Supporting Financial Independence: The
“10 Baht a Day” model is a community-
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