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Live & Let Dye                                                                                             Table Lamps

 Scan this code for more   p. 116-117                                      M Floor Lamp                                    Scan this code for more
 detailed information about                                                Polymer, metal                                  detailed information about
 Live & Let Dye           96 Molecules Floor Lamp                          Shade: H:30 ø70cm, H:12                         our Table Lamps
                          Origami paper, mahogany                          ø27.5”
                          H:126 ø35cm, H:50 ø14”                           Total: H:167 ø76cm, H:65.7
 Live and Let Dye – or “L&LD” for short – is   Apaya Ponyo 71 Floor        p. 206                                          p. 112-114
 the name we’ve given to the digital printing   Lamp                       Sikus Floor Lamp
 technology we’ve developed here at Aqua   Handmade felt                   Silk, metal                                     96 Molecules Table Lamp
                                                                                                                           Origami paper, mahogany
 Creations for our handmade signature silk   H:180 ø35cm, H:71 ø14”        128x165x37cm, 50x65x15”                         H:21ø 30cm, H:8.3 ø11.8”
 lampshades. Before pleating or any other
 processes occur, we take the raw silk rolls and
 print onto them using a large printer which                               p. 210                                          p. 115
 uses ten non-fading dye colors.                                           Sahara Floor Lamp                               96 Molecules Tall Table
                          p. 122-125                                       Silk, metal                                     Lamp
 Printing onto such delicate silk is a challenge                                                                           Origami paper, mahogany
 250                      Apaya Tinka 71 Floop                             128x162x27cm, 50x64x11”                                                                 243
 we’ve mastered: we can create special colors                                                                              H:45 ø30cm, 17.7 ø11.8”
 beyond our regular palette, as well as produce   Lamp
                          Handmade felt
 graduated printing, from the deepest shade   H:180 ø35cm, H:71 ø14”       p. 217
 of black to natural white silk. We can also                               Maestro Floor Lamp
 print any pattern, in any color, as part of our                           Silk, metal
 bespoke design service. After the printing                                208x61x48cm, 82x24x19”                          p. 202
 process is complete, we pleat the silk and apply                                                                          Same Same Shelf Lamp
 it to our lighting fixtures to give them a unique                                                                         Silk, metal
 lighting ambiance. We use HEX as the color   p. 135-137                   p. 226-227                                      75x19x32cm, 30x7x13”
 codes information.       To Floor Lamp                                    Palm Tree Floor Lamp
                          Polymer, metal                                   Silk, gauze, metal                              p. 203-205
                          Shade: H:70 ø30cm, H:28                          203x95x82cm, 80x37x32”
                          ø12”                                                                                             Doe Table Lamp
                          Total: H:215 ø76cm, H:84.6                                                                       Silk, metal
                          ø30”                                                                                             31x44x14cm, 12x17x6”

                          Te Floor Lamp                                                                                    p. 211
                          Polymer, metal
                          Shade: H:50 ø60cm, H:20                                                                          Rigua Table Lamp
                          ø23”                                                                                             Silk, metal
                          Total: H:179 ø76cm, H:70.4                                                                       60x76x19cm/24x30x7”

 Aqua Catalogue V17.indd   250  12/17/18   1:16 PM  16  Aqua Catalogue V17.indd   243  #        10301-AQWA - 10301-AQWA | 16 - A | 18-12-20 | 09:09:48 | SR:-- | Yellow   10301-AQWA - 10301-AQWA | 16 - A | 18-12-20 | 09:09:48 | SR:-- | Magenta   10301-AQWA - 10301-AQWA | 16 - A | 18-12-20 | 09:09:48 | SR:-- | Cyan   #10301-AQWA - 10301-AQWA | 16 - A | 18-12-20 | 09:09:48 | SR:-- | Black   12/17/18   1:14 PM
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