Page 250 - 10301
P. 250
Silk Colors
Scan this code for more Stand By Trio Pendant ø90cm, ø120cm p. 222-223
detailed information about Light Composition 1 Total: ø210cm, ø83”
our Silk Colors Silk, metal Minimum depth: 120cm, 47” Custom 13 Palms
Shades: ø90cm, ø122cm, Ceiling Plate: ø109cm, ø43” Chandelier
ø156cm Silk, organza, metal
Total: ø224cm, ø88” Stand By Quartet Light
Minimum depth: 100cm, 39” Composition 3
Ceiling Plate: ø109cm, ø43” Silk, metal p.224
We have 17 standard silk colors and can Shades: ø60cm, ø68cm,
color match any shade, from the deepest Stand By Trio Pendant ø76cm, ø84cm 3 Palms Chandelier
black to natural white silk using our specially Light Composition 2 Total: ø160cm, ø63” Silk, gauze, metal
developed ‘Live & Let Dye’ digital printing Coal Silk, metal Minimum depth:120cm, 47” 82x95cm, 32.3x37.4”
technique. Any color combination is possible – Stone Silver Shades: ø90cm, ø90cm, Ceiling Plate: ø109cm, ø43”
ask us how at ø122cm
Total: ø180cm, ø71”, p.219
Minimum depth: 100cm, 39”
Ceiling Plate: ø109cm, ø43” 9 Palms Chandelier
Silk, organza, metal
Stand By Trio Pendant
248 Light Composition 3 273x136x120cm, 107x54x47” p.225 245
Silk, metal 5 Palms Chandelier
Shades: ø60cm, ø76cm, Silk, gauze, metal
ø84cm 92x120cm, 36x47”
Total: ø130cm, ø51”
Minimum depth: 100cm, 39” p. 220
Ceiling Plate: ø109cm, ø43”
Custom 7 Palms
Redwood Sand Curry Chandelier
p. 165
Silk, organza, metal
Stand By Quartet Light
Composition 1
Silk, metal
Shades: ø90cm, ø90cm,
ø122cm, ø156cm p. 221
Total: ø230cm, ø91”
Minimum depth: 120cm, 47” Custom 14 Palms
Ceiling Plate: ø109cm, ø43” Chandelier
Silk, organza, metal
Stand By Quartet Light
Composition 2
Silk, metal
Shades: ø90cm, ø90cm,
Red Smoke Dark
Aqua Catalogue V17.indd 248 12/17/18 1:16 PM Aqua Catalogue V17.indd 245 # 10301-AQWA - 10301-AQWA | 16 - B | 18-12-20 | 09:09:48 | SR:-- | Magenta 10301-AQWA - 10301-AQWA | 16 - B | 18-12-20 | 09:09:48 | SR:-- | Yellow 10301-AQWA - 10301-AQWA | 16 - B | 18-12-20 | 09:09:48 | SR:-- | Cyan #10301-AQWA - 10301-AQWA | 16 - B | 18-12-20 | 09:09:48 | SR:-- | Black 12/17/18 1:15 PM