Page 100 - VAIKRA
P. 100

The pasuk points out, “A fire, continually, shall remain aflame on the
                   Mizbeach.” This is the fire with which we light the Menorah. It implies
                   that Hashem desires that our neshamot, which are compared to burning
                   candles, should burn constantly with a passion for Torah. This fervor
                   should not be limited to one’s personal Torah growth, but also utilized to
                   help others progress.

                   The Torah commands: “They shall make Me a sanctuary – so that I may
                   dwell among them.” Hashem revealed His desire to reside amongst His
                   children, despite the fact that it would seem more fitting for Him to dwell
                   with the celestial hosts. The reason for His preference is because Bnei
                   Yisrael demonstrate self-sacrifice, in spite of the persuasions of the Yetzer
                   Hara, who attempts to lure them to engage in material and physical
                   pursuits. They overcome temptations, enthusiastically cleaving to Hashem.
                   Since Hashem gives His children a chance to draw near to Him and serve
                   Him, we too must emulate this behavior and provide errant souls with an
                   opportunity to draw near to Hashem. Moreover, each neshamah is
                   compared to a Mishkan. Just as Moshe Rabbeinu is commended for
                   erecting the Mishkan in his days, one who leads errant souls to do
                   teshuvah is considered to be building many Mishkanot for Hashem and
                   will be commended for doing so.

                   Engaging in zikuy harabim isaproven segulah for the successful chinuch
                   of one’s children. However, one must first contribute time to his own
                   children and only thereafter concern himself with the spiritual needs of his
                   community. When one does so, he will be blessed by Heaven. His children
                   will successfully progress in spiritual growth, as implied by the repetition
                   of the word      signifying a continual ascent.                             vaikra  4                                                                                                                                                                                                        #                                                               26347-EYAL-6
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