Page 99 - VAIKRA
P. 99
The Torah repeats the word (olah) to hint to the two forms of ascent
that one should accomplish. He should both ascend in his own spiritual
pursuits, as well as raise the spiritual level of his fellow man. It is not
sufficient for a person to pursue his personal growth; he must also devote
himself to zikuy harabim.
“It was on the eighth day, Moshe called to One who dedicates his time to helping others merits accomplishing a lot
Aharon and his sons, and to the elders of in a short time and experiences much success in his Torah studies. The
Israel” words of the pasuk, “ – Command Aharon” hints to this fact,
(Vayikra 9:1) since the word implies urging on. This signifies that Hashem compels
man to contribute time to help others ascend spiritually, and promises that
through this he will merit much benefit and blessing.
We should learn from Hashem’s example. He gave of His own time to
personally teach Moshe Torah for forty days and nights. Furthermore, the
small letter in the word alludes to Moshe Rabbeinu, whose
name begins with the letter . He selflessly dedicated himself to the
Jewish nation and taught them Torah.
The Torah states, “He shall remove his garments.” This teaches us that a
person should be willing to surrender his own ambitious pursuits in order
to save lost souls. This is compared to the Kohen, who removed his
priestly garments in order to clean the ashes. Likewise, one should involve
himself in purifying straying souls from their spiritual pollution. This
corresponds to the injunction, “When there is a need to act for the sake
of Hashem, one should adjourn his Torah studies.” 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-08-19 | 15:24:54 | SR:-- | Black 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-08-19 | 15:24:54 | SR:-- | Cyan 26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 4 - B | 18-08-19 | 15:24:54 | SR:-- | Magenta #26347-EYAL-6BOOKS - 26347-Vaikra-EYAL | 4