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korbanot, they would be aroused to connect to Hashem and cleave to Him. joining Am Yisrael in their matter ( ) so that they would not kill him # Only afterwards did the rain turn into a deadly flood that destroyed the
Likewise, when they would witness the cows being slaughtered, all traces as well. His only concern was to prevent Am Yisrael from committing the entire world. Hashem wanted to teach the world that as long as rain falls
of the sin of the Golden Calf would be removed from their hearts. sin of killing a Kohen and Navi, which would prevent them from receiving moderately, it is a blessing. However when torrents of water descend all
When a person transgresses in any way, he should strengthen himself and atonement. at once, it causes heavy destruction. This teaches us to progress gradually
rectify his misdeed in a way that corresponds to the nature of his sin. In Even so, Aharon was required to sacrifice a calf. This is because the in our Avodat Hashem.
this way he will be able to repair his iniquity. Bnei Yisrael were impact of the matter ( ) had caused damage. On the eighth day, Moshe commanded Aharon to sacrifice a sin-offering
commanded to sacrifice animals as korbanot in order to remove any traces Aharon relinquished his honor by acting as if he was joining Am Yisrael because he saw through divine inspiration that on this day Hashem would
left of the sin of the Golden Calf. in the (matter) of the Golden Calf. Therefore, he was rewarded by rest His Shechinah upon the Mishkan. Why did Moshe wait until the
being given the honor of serving as the Kohen Gadol.
eighth day and not command Aharon to sacrifice the offerings on the first
day in order to hasten the descent of the Shechinah? The reason is because
Moshe knew that Am Yisrael had to first remove all traces of the sin of
the Golden Calf. Had Hashem revealed Himself to them on the first day,
they would not have been capable of withstanding the intense kedushah
because of the remnants of the sin that were still attached to them.
However, after they witnessed Moshe erecting and dismantling the
“It was on the eighth day, Moshe called to “It was on the eighth day, Moshe called to Mishkan for seven days because the Shechinah had not descended, they
Aharon and his sons, and to the elders of Israel. Aharon and his sons, and to the elders of Israel. were sufficiently aroused on the eighth day to complete teshuvah,
He said to Aharon: Take yourself a calf, a He said to Aharon: Take yourself a calf, a eliminating all traces of the sin, and becoming worthy of the Shechinah
young male of cattle, for a sin-offering and a young male of cattle, for a sin-offering and a resting upon them.
ram, for an olah-offering – unblemished; and ram, for an olah-offering – unblemished; and Why did Hashem create the world during six days when He could have
offer [them] before Hashem” offer [them] before Hashem” done it with a single utterance in one moment? It seems that Hashem
(Vayikra 9:1-2) (Vayikra 9:1-2) wanted to teach His children a lesson that they should build their
individual worlds step by step. If Hashem Himself created the universe
in six days and not all at once, all the more so should they progress
gradually. “One who attempts to overachieve, ultimately does not
David Hamelech says in Tehillim, “Who may ascend the mountain of
Hashem, and who may stand in the place of His sanctity? One with clean
hands and pure heart; who has not sworn in vain by My soul, and has not
sworn deceitfully.” This implies that only a person who improves his