Page 185 - VAIKRA
P. 185
Chazal say that Nadav and Avihu deserved to die because they sought to
achieve high levels in Avodat Hashem quickly rather than acquire them
gradually. Even in physical matters, a person cannot lift heavy weights
until he is able to do so. He must train himself daily, lifting heavier
weights gradually, until his body is able to withstand the strain. Likewise,
in Avodat Hashem, a man should progress step by step. A sudden leap to
lofty levels could result in disaster.
Three Tanna’im sought to uncover the secrets of Ma’aseh merkavah, but
did not succeed. On the other hand, Rabbi Akiva also sought to explore
it and did succeed. This is because he progressed in his Avodat Hashem Prior to the sin of the Golden Calf, the Presence of Hashem was constantly
step by step. evident in the world. For example, after the Splitting of the Sea, a
Rabbi Akiva learned a lesson from the drops of water that succeeded in handmaiden saw revelations that were not seen by the Navi Yechezkel ben
penetrating the stone since it dripped slowly drop after drop. Had it Buzi. Also at Har Sinai, the sounds were seen. At the occasion of the
flooded the stone all at once, it would not have succeeded in boring a hole Chanukat Hamishkan it says, “For today Hashem appears to you.” It was
through it. the most elevating experience following the sin of the Golden Calf.
When Hashem brought the Flood during the days of Noach, He first Nadav and Avihu were punished immediately after lighting an alien fire.
brought down a moderate rainfall, which serves as a blessing to the world. This is surprising, since Hashem is Slow to Anger. However, they were
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