Page 339 - VAIKRA
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 judgment and considers his words defamation. He could have focused on
 the positive side of his fellow. Because he thought negatively, it is
 considered as if he defamed him.

 Hashem created the world with the Attribute of Truth. If a person sees
 flaws in Hashem’s creations, it indicates that the flaw is within him and
 not in that Creation, which has been formed with precision and reflects
 absolute truth.

 Before a person descends to this world, he is made to swear that he will
 adhere to the oath of the Torah, which is absolute truth. When a person
 speaks lashon hara, he violates his oath. The exile of the Jews in Egypt
 was caused by the lashon hara of Yosef’s brothers about him. Their
 rectification was to be slaves in Egypt and thereafter slaughter a sheep and
 smear its blood on the doorpost (  ). This was in order to remind them
 to move (  ) to the rhythm of the Torah, in which it states, “You shall
 not go about gossiping among your people.”

 Yeshayahu Hanavi told Hashem, “And I dwell among a people with
 impure lips.” For this he was punished that his grandson, Menashe, killed
 him through his words. Hashem was exacting with Yeshayahu despite the
 truth of his words and his having good intentions. This is because he
 should have attempted to notice the favorable aspects of the people. This
 was especially important because at that time the Attribute of Justice was
 drawn over Am Yisrael, and Yeshayahu’s words served to confirm the
 accusations of the Heavenly Court against them, thereby sealing their fate.
 Since the reparation for baseless hatred is unconditional love, the Yetzer
 Hara tries with all his might to obstruct this love by persuading people to
 gossip, especially about Torah scholars. This is the reason why in the End
 of Days, the resha’im of the generation will increase their accusations
 against the scholars.

 The Gemara concludes with the message that the barren trees will give
 fruit, since the resha’im mock the Torah scholars that they are purposeless,
 like the barren tree. Hashem will prove to them that their accusations are
 unfounded and the scholars are actually laden with fruit, which signify
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