Page 356 - VAIKRA
P. 356

There is a proverb that people say: “After a person dies (   ), he
                   is considered holy (     ).” This implies that after a person dies, he                         We mention the death of Aharon’s sons on Yom Kippur in order to arouse
                   achieves completion and cannot sin anymore. It says, “Do not believe in                        the Attribute of Mercy upon us. We hope to be found innocent and thereby
                   yourself until the day you die.” This world is a world of constant battle                      merit a favorable judgment. Furthermore, tzaddikim after death are
                   with the Yetzer Hara in order to guard one’s purity. When a person                             considered living. To the same degree that they became sanctified during
                   succeeds in defeating his Yetzer Hara, he acquires a greater level of purity.                  their life, they are sanctified in their death, and their memory is
                   In this way, he can eventually reach the fiftieth level of kedushah upon                       perpetuated.
                   arriving at the World of Truth.
                                                                                                                  Aharon’s sons were condemned to death because they sought to achieve
                   It is customary to teach young children the parshiyot of Vayikra in order                      a lofty level before they were adequately prepared for it. Clearly, they had
                   to train them to act with self-sacrifice. Just as it is easy to acquire the trait              pure intentions and acted for the sake of Heaven. However, they should
                   of self-sacrifice when trained in it from youth, so too, it is easy to lose this               have advanced gradually, step by step, and not sought to proceed to the
                   attribute. Therefore, one must constantly strive to renew his dedication to                    highest levels in one giant leap.
                   Avodat Hashem.
                                                                                                                  It says, “And Aharon fell silent.” How was he capable of accepting the
                   The last letters of the words          (after death) have the same
                   gematria as the word       (holy). This indicates that a person who                            decree calmly without protesting? Aharon realized that his sons were
                   sanctifies himself during his life will ultimately also die sanctified and                     entrusted to him only as a security. Therefore, when they were taken from
                   thus achieve perfection.                                                                       him, he did not complain. In the same way, Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi
                                                                                                                  Meir Ba’al Haness justified the decree when their sons perished, accepting
                   A person merits holiness by making split second decisions, when he                             it with love.
                   decides to abandon evil and go on the right path. As an example, we are
                   taught the story of Rut, who cleaved to her mother-in-law and gained                           Aharon’s sons absorbed the lesson of their father that everything
                   eternal life. In contrast, Orpah attained only momentary pleasure by                           ultimately belongs to Hashem. Therefore, they were inspired to sacrifice
                   choosing to return to her father’s house.                                                      their lives for Hashem’s sake. Hashem blamed them for doing so, since it
                                                                                                                  says in the Torah, “And live by them.” This implies that a person should
                   Similarly, we learn about Rachav, who merited marrying Yehoshua bin                            live with inspiration through keeping the mitzvot of the Torah. It is only
                   Nun, and ultimately having Yirmeyahu descend from her. This is because                         in specific situations that a person is obligated to relinquish his life in
                   in a fateful moment she chose to dedicate her life to eternal truths instead                   sanctification of Hashem.
                   of momentary pleasures.
                                                                                                                  The death of a tzaddik atones for the sins of the generation. This is
                                                                                                                  because people are shocked and awakened to do teshuvah. As a result,
                                                                                                                  they merit atonement for their sins. Thus, the tzaddik’s death is the means                                                                                                                   #                                                               26347-EYAL-6


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