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Awards | LIFE IS GOOD   199

               LIFE IS GOOD                     BEST WAY HOUSING                   In  2015  within  the  framework
               HOLDING                          COOPERATIVE                      of the ceremony of public
                                                                                 “Economic Support of Russia” Best
                 Company  Life  is  Good  was     On January 21, 2018, the State   Way Housing Cooperative became
               entered into the international  Duma of the Federal Assembly of   the winner of the prestigious All-
               rating of network brands “500  the Russian  Federation  awarded   Russian award “National Quality
               recommended         companies”   with the diploma  Best Way       Mark”.  The organizer of the annual
               and  has  ISO  Certificate  –  a  Housing  Cooperative  represented   national award “Economic Support of
               certificate  of  conformity  with  by the Chairman of  the  Board   Russia” is the Fund for Assistance to
               quality standards.  To be entered  Roman Viktorovich Vasilenko “For   Entrepreneurial Initiatives.
               into such international rating is the  Contribution  to Strengthening of
               same as to get a star on the Walk of  Russian Economy”.             Best Way Housing Cooperative
               Fame. We are proud that we could                                  was  awarded  with  the  Certificate
               earn a spot along with behemoths   On January 22, 2017 Best Way   of Honorary Member of the Fund
               having years-long, and sometimes  Housing Cooperative was marked   for Assistance to Entrepreneurial
               centuries-long history.          with the diploma  “For Socially   Initiatives.  On December 2015 the
                                                Important    Contribution    to  certificate of the Fund for Assistance to
                 In 2015 the Holding won the  Strengthening of Economy of the    Entrepreneurial  Initiatives  “Certificate
               award “Financial Olympus” in  Russian  Federation”.  The diploma   of  Honorary  Member  of  the  Fund
               the nomination “Potential  and  was  awarded  by the  deputy of  the   for Assistance to Entrepreneurial
               Perspective”.  This is one of the  fraction  “Just  Russia”,  a  member  of   Initiatives” was delivered.
               oldest premia (founded in 1995). It is  the Committee  of the State Duma
               awarded to investment companies,  on Natural Resources, Property and   INTERNATIONAL
               banks, insurance companies in  Land  Relations  Sergei  Ivanovich
               20 nominations according to 3  Kryuchik.                          BUSINESS
               categories in the event if they carry                             ACADEMY
               out their activities successfully and   On November 7, 2016 the
               in  accordance  with  the  current  Counsel  on Public  Awards  of   The   International   Business
               legislation.                     the  Russian  Federation  within   Academy  IBA  is  a  world-famous
                                                the framework of  the action     educational institution, established by
                 In   December     2015    the  “Professionals   of    Russian”  the President of Life is Good Holding
               company       was     awarded    awarded  Best Way Housing        Roman Vasilenko. Trainings and
               with the  Medal of  Honor  Cooperative with the order “For        seminars developed by the Academy
               “National  Quality  Mark”  –  Professionalism     and   Business  have already helped the hundreds of
               “Choice of Russia: Reliable  Reputation”  of  I  Class;  Roman    people to improve their business, to
               Supplier” from the Fund for  Vasilenko, the Chairman of the Board   become successful and to have much
               Assistance in Development of  of  Best  Way  Housing  Cooperative,   more than they could dream.
               Entrepreneurship.   This  Fund   and Evgenii Chaichuk, the  Deputy
               is  a   public  non-commercial   Chairman, were awarded by the      The teachers in the  Academy
               organization established by a  orders “For Professionalism  and   are  exceptionally the coaches-
               group  of  entrepreneurs  in  2007  Business Reputation” of III Class. The   experts having successful working
               with  support  from  the  deputies  orders were awarded on December   experience in the world corporations.
               of the State Duma of the  2, 2016 at the official ceremony.       Among them  there are such famous
               Federal Assembly of the Russian                                   personalities  as a writer and a
               Federation.                        Within  the  framework of the   researcher Allan Piz, a business
                                                program “The Best Social Projects”   coacher of world-class Andreas Wins,
                 In the international rating  Best  Way Housing  Cooperative     a millionaire and a business tutor Ron
               “Elite of the National Economy”  was recognized the  best social   Jenson,  a  co-author  of  the  famous
               Life is Good Holding is the winner  project  in the category “Projects   book and the film “Secret” Bob Doil,
               of international prize “Elite of the  for Improvement of Housing and   a historian of the Presidents of the
               National Economy 2015”.          Utility  Conditions”  in  2016.  The   USA Dag Bid and a Russian journalist
                                                program “The  Best Social  Projects”   and a public man Vladimir Solovyev.
                 Life is Good is a permanent  was created in support of the course
               member  of  two  significant  of the Government of the Russian      All  these  experts  of  world-class
               Russian funds: the Fund for  Federation aimed at strengthening    presented  to  the  President  of  the
               Assistance in Development of  of  the  social policy on the  basis of   company Life is Good Roman
               Entrepreneurship and the Fund  partnership of the state, society and   Vasilenko the official Certificates of
               for Assistance to Entrepreneurial  private business.              Partnership.

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