Page 192 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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196     LIFE IS GOOD | Traditions

                                     TRAINING OF

                                     BODY AND SPIRIT

                                     SELF ENRICHMENT

               It  is  well-known  that  a  man  develops  not  only  in  in itself sets for necessary state. And if you add thereto
            material, but also in spiritual sphere. Very often people  a specially developed program which involves a rotation
            forget about it and lock themselves into material aspect  of bodywork and spirit work, then the effect is enhanced
            of existence. But all studies show that a man has three  multiple times!
            components: spirit, soul and body. They are also at one   The program of spiritual retreat was developed by one
            in thinking that the first two components can be worked  of our directors of the company Aleksandr Fedorovich
            at through body practices. One would think, why does a  Chzhen. He is a creator of the authoring system of martial
            man need spirituality? Can we live without developing it?  arts “School of freestyle fight”, on the basis of which he
            Yes, we can, but then the life will be much poorer, deprived  created the training system for businessmen to prepare
            of the possibilities in all its spheres. Spiritual ramrod gives  them for modern conditions of conduct of business and
            us the basis, calmness, undauntability, a platform on which  the program which teaches resistance to stress and the
            one can build both successful business  and personal  principles of teambuilding.
            happiness.                                          What happened during our team spiritual retreat? It was
               Very  often  the  fast  growth  of  financial  well-being  compulsory to get up early, and then there were physical
            does not bring happiness, and more over leads a man  exercises and lectures. The day finished with a night trip
            to sad final. In order to prevent this it is necessary to be  to a very beautiful place – cliff-skydeck. It was not easy
            in the state of inward peace and spiritual firmness. With  trip, but those who overcame it were rewarded with the
            the express aim of this our company developed and  extraordinarily beautiful view and with the feeling that he/
            conducted a spiritual retreat in the amazing place of the  she rose over himself/herself. It can be said with confidence
            Krasnodar  Territory,  in  Mezmay  settlement.  This  unique  that retreat hardened each participant and gave him huge
            “place of power” is in isolation from the civilization and  positive charge aimed at success and happiness!

            LIFE IS GOOD. STYLE | № 1                                                                                                                                                                                                   
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