Page 189 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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Travelling for us is hobby. We visited the countries In January 2016 we went to Vietnam, in July the same
of Asia, Europe, Africa, South America, but the most year there was an unforgettable cruise around Baltic
memorable journey for me is the journey around (Sweden, Finland, Estonia), in October – Crete Island, in
Japan. It lasted two weeks. January 2017 – Thailand, in My – the Czech Republic, in
Japan is a very unusual country which combines July – again the cruise around Baltic (Sweden, Finland),
culture, traditions and technological progress. in August – Hungary, in October – Montenegro,
In the journey itself I remembered swimming with in February 2018 – Cyprus, in March – Sri Lanka, in
a whale shark most of all. It is unforgettable sight September – Ibiza Island.
to see such power in the water and so close! I had Every journey left amazing impressions, I was
never felt anything like that in my life: interest and delighted. As package holiday was for 2 persons, every
at the same time tremor and fear of these huge journey was special. Chic sea, beautiful architecture,
creatures. excursions.
The journey exceeded all my expectations. We Coming to one country we were able to visit the
got acquainted with the culture of this country, with neighboring countries. Thus, when we were in the
its people. Japanese are incredible people, open to Czech Republic, we rented a car and visited Austria
the world, with the features which only they have: and Germany, and being in Montenegro, we went to
diligence, discipline, pragmatism, precision. I was Croatia, as well as Bosnia and Herzegowina. All journeys
struck with their culture and everyday life. As a are great, every country is interesting in its own way.
person who does martial arts, it was interesting for All journeys not just came up to my expectations, but
me to see the country of masters. exceeded them. I would return to every country I visited,
For the first time I realized to what extent culture, but it was Sri Lanka where I tried surfing for the first time.
centuries traditions and technological progress can The feelings were just incredible.
be combined in one country. In the future I would like to visit Argentina in Latin
Actually the travelling in my life is not just journeys America and Australia.
and even not a vacation. It is more likely the process
of discovery of myself. While travelling I learn myself Venera SHARAFUTDINOVA
better. They introduce me to a new world, give me
the opportunity to see myself from the other side,
understand to what extent I suit this world. Travelling
is one of the brightest aspects of my life. It is always
curious where your life will bring you next time.
Vladislav KIM