Page 184 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 184
188 LIFE IS GOOD | Charitable cause
Life is Good Holding is a company which is initially focused
on a man, helps him to solve his financial and housing problems,
to achieve success in his life by unlocking his potential.
Global charitable work became natural continuation of
implementation of the company’s main mission.
The scientists found out long time ago that more happy
hormones are produced in that person who gives a present,
than in that person who receives it. It means that charity, the
need to give, to help people is an integral part of human nature.
WE HELP THOSE office stationery for the pupils who have no parents.
The company works closely with a social
WHO IN NEED organization “Red Cross” supporting its socially
important projects financially. The Crimea
Life is Good Holding is actively engaged in directorate of the Holding constantly cooperates
charitable work in all regions. The company opened with one of the largest social organizations of
a special charity account for donations, where any the Crimea “Wings of Life”. This center of public
employee can send any amount of money, which initiatives organizes charity events, concerts,
will certainly be sent to those who need help. It parties for children who have no parents. Due to
has to be said that donations are transferred to the cooperation with Life is Good these creative events
account on condition of anonymity, however the are becoming more interesting and intensive.
Holding welcomes any forms of support of people The company also pays attention to other
turned out to be in a difficult life situation. categories of people in need. One regional
Employees, leaders of Life is Good gives back directorates support lonely and frail elderly people,
to the community according to certain addresses, the others support homeless animals, the third
all regional directorates conduct similar socially ones organize humanitarian assistance for people
oriented work. from Donbas.
For example, the directors supervise children’s A special direction of charitable work is the
homes, furnishing them, buying office supplies, assistance to the families having specific children
organizing holidays for children. Every year in who, unfortunately, in our society often turn out to
many regions with the assistance of Life is Good the be face-to-face with their problems. Such families
promotional actions are organized for Knowledge are in desperate need of advisory and other kinds
Day, where the volunteers gather school sets of of help.