Page 183 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 183

Open collar  | LIFE IS GOOD   187

                                                                 THE MAIN THING
                                                                 ABOUT PERSONAL

                                                                   Tell us what kind of father you are.
                                                                   Our employees, directors are also my children. I just
                                                                 don’t  have  enough  time  for  everybody.  Of  course,  I’d
                                                                 like  to  pay  more  attention  to  my  children,  I  am  very
                                                                 affectionate father, but for some reason there is very little
                                                                 time per day.

                                                                   How do your children choose occupation to their
                                                                 liking? Do you give them any advice?
                                                                   We are an example for our children and, of course,
                                                                 the children look at us, they follow. We have to work on
                                                                 ourselves to show our children the correct example, to
                                                                 answer the millions of their questions and to support
                                                                 their any interest, which they show in their life. Surely, it is
                                                                 important to direct them and to explain them what you
               TRADITIONS                                        consider important.

               ARE HANDED DOWN                                     With what would you like to send the children to
                                                                adulthood? What features would you like to form and
                                                                what would you like to keep from?
                 What traditions of your family, parents do you
                                                                   If I had an opportunity to give advice to myself, I would
               hold to?                                         give advice and I give advice to my children now. There
                 Love of  country,  family, your land  and,  of  course,  of   are three criteria which they must meet: the first – positive
               nature. It was put into me when I was a child. Together with   thinking (no matter what happened, to see only positive,
               my parents’ family I preserved this, of course, transferred to   usefulness and lesson); the second – I would tell them and
               my family and am handing down to my children.
                                                                myself: “Always take another step, make a decision and go
                                                                forward”; the third – keep your work, as when you drop
                 What new traditions have appeared in your family?   the weapon, you will lose your life, when you drop the
                 I have already said that I hold to the traditions which were   word, you will lose respect. Respect is your name, your
               put into me in my childhood, my wife and I add something   perspective, your wealth and your image.
               to them. Now there may be more knowledge to develop
               our children and more chances to get and understand this   Would you like your children to continue doing
               from life, that’s why my children now are freer than me. I   your business?
               give them more possibilities, support their undertakings,   Of  course  I  would  like  them  to  continue  this  good
               I have to answer millions of questions and to direct them   business, as I can help and teach them, but I soberly and
               without limiting their interests.                clearly understand and estimate that each of my children
                 As for traditions, that people is unconquerable who holds   has their own way and they will choose it themselves.
               to the traditions, and the main traditions are discipline,
               honesty, decency, and the ability to keep the word.

                 Some people have carried their children’s
               interests (sports, collecting, music) throughout
               their life. What did you do earlier and have you got
               any hobbies, occupation from childhood which are
               actual for you now?
                 Everything  I  was  interested  in  when  I  was  a  child
               preserves, the price of toys has changed. As for the rest we
               live as before, we like travelling, we like flying.
                 When you were a child, what did you want to be
               engaged, and for what reason it did not happen?
                 When  I  was  a  child  I  was  dreaming  of  becoming  a
               military pilot, but I want to say that this dream has partially
               come  true,  as  in  fact  I  live  in  the  plane  and,  generally
               speaking, now I know about aviation as much as the pilots
               themselves do.

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