Page 188 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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192 LIFE IS GOOD | Mood
EXPERIENCE» I have been working in the company Life is
For two years of work in Life is Good there were a Good since 2016. For these two years, due to
the promotions of the company I was in Turkey,
lot of journeys. In July 2016 there was a cruise around Hungary, Greece, Thailand, the Republic of South
the Baltic, in October we enjoyed the beauties of Crete. Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, on Mauritius Island
In 2017 we travelled along a fantastic coast of Thailand, and in many other places.
got acquainted with beautiful Prague, admired the Earlier I also liked to travel two or three times
landscapes of Montenegro. This year in September we a year, but travelling in the company with those
visited Ibiza. who are obsessed with the same idea and goal
Each journey for me is adventure and experience. is interesting and very fascinating. I did not have
From all journeys I returned impressed with everything such bright and eventful impressions from journeys
I had seen. In restaurants I tasted the dishes of local before.
cuisine of different countries, which I had not eaten Most of all I remember the journey to the
before, and after that I would like to prepare the dishes Republic of South Africa together with twenty
I liked and to make my family happy. Being in a new strongest employees of the company. It was the
country we look at the world with child’s eyes – with burst of emotions and drive! I will remember diving
curiosity and admiration. to white sharks all my life. I had had some doubts
I consider that travelling is a personal growth, as we whether it was worth doing or not, but only due to
do soul-searching during journeys. And, of course, I team spirit I went down to the sharks into the ocean.
always have memories after each journey. In Thailand, I would never have made such decision in any other
for example, we visited pagoda where we made wishes, circumstances. After these sharks I haven’t been
by the way, my wish came true. afraid anyone, even the choosiest client.
Then we went on exotic excursions, during one of All journeys with the team of employees of Life is
them there was a show with crocodiles and snakes. Good exceeded all my expectations. When so many
After that stunning excursion Imre Gonda made a people united with one idea gather on one island,
surprise for us: he ordered shashlik of a snake which we it is the sea of emotions and energy. For the first
washed down with snake’s blood. time I felt the power of our company during the
In Montenegro we were on the island of millionaires, journey in the Republic of South Africa. The budget
where we had dinner in the restaurant which in different of journey for one employee was Euro 20 thousand.
time was visited by Russian and world stars. Only prosperous company which has promising
One of the most amazing journey, exciting our future can afford such luxury.
consciousness, was the journey to Ibiza. There local Now my dream is to see New Zealand, Australia
people live an interesting life without being in a hurry, and Greenland. I think that it is quite real with our
and at the same time let themselves different liberties. company. Moreover, Roman VASILENKO is also a
We rented a car and every day visited different romantic and he likes travelling.
picturesque places, stopped in those places where we
wanted to have a swim. Zhanyl SHORABEK
I cannot distinguish any special places among my
journeys, all of them are wonderful and unforgettable
in their own way. Each journey exceeded all my
expectations even the boldest ones, as it was on Ibiza.
Each time, visiting a new country, I understand that
I have never seen anything like this before. I always get
only positive emotions from my journeys, I am charged
with colossal energy.
I would like to return to Thailand again and taste
their exotic cuisine.