Page 180 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 180
184 LIFE IS GOOD | Open collar
Founder, inspirator and chief of Life is Good Holding Roman
Vasilenko about the present and the future of the development
of the company, about the family traditions, officer’s character,
interests and core values of life.
CREATE THE FUTURE NOW of the number of our employees, consultants, both in
office and in network. And, of course, at least the doubling
of fees paid to our consultants within one year. Within one
Roman Viktorovich, Life is Good Holding has been
created by you relatively lately, however the company year I see the Holding which will be recognized as a world
has managed to hit an all-time high in business. Are leader in MLM-industry. In our sphere we are company
you planning to keep the existing pace of development No. 1 in Russia now, and in 5 years we are intended to
of the company or even increase it, and what will it become one of the world leaders.
depend on?
It is not a secret that slackening of the rates of
economic growth is the reality of the present day. How
Certainly, we’re planning not only to keep, but to increase does the economic situation in the country and in the
the pace of development of the company as well as the world influence the new projects of the company?
volumes. It depends, first of all, on the discipline. In other We cannot say about the complete slackening of
words it is necessary to work seriously on strengthening the rates of economic growth, as these are just new
and increase of discipline. Secondly, on improvement in realities. The country is developing, import substitution
the quality of service provided by our office, and thirdly, is happening. I consider that we are absolutely on trend;
on improvement of personnel’s professionalism both of we support our Russian production, our Russian business,
office workers and of the employees in the network of our Russian programs. I am not talking of the fact that
consultants. in principle we support people in our socially important
projects. We offer really beneficial program for acquisition
What company do you see in the nearest future, let of immovable property which knows no equals. It helps
us say in one year or in five years? to keep people’s capital in the country, to support young
In one year I see at least the doubling of volume, i.e. the people and to keep people in their cities or even in the
amount of business. Subsequently, at least, the doubling country. People earn money, acquire the accommodation,