Page 182 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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186     LIFE IS GOOD | Open collar

            and  human  capital  is  forming,  accordingly.  We  are  on   in my schedule, then, one can say, I am planning more
            trend with the government policy and help the economic   or less spontaneously. The most spontaneous is for one
            development of our country as brains do not drain away   or two months. Sometimes I want to do this completely
            from the country, but stay therein. It is very important,   spontaneously, but my work does not let me, pulls to
            that’s  why  I  would  like  to  repeat  once  more:  it  is  not   flight.
            slackening, for us it is positive because we support general
            line which our government and country follow with   Can you tell us any story from your holiday
            respect to import substitution in terms of development of   which you remember?
            Russian economy.                                    As I like active rest, I never lie on the beach like a
                                                              “seal”, that’s why I always remember, any rest which I
               In what way do you offer to develop the existing   organize and provide for myself, especially if I have a
            directions: Housing Cooperative society, investment   camera or telephone, using which I can take photos
            instruments?                                      or record video.
               Our  flagship  is  the  Housing  Cooperative  society
            – a program which is the alternative of mortgage    How often do you manage to spend time with
            loans.  It  is  the  most  affordable  program  of  house-  your nearest and dearest and how do you usually
            buying.  Our  strategic  tasks  here,  as  I  see  them,  are   spend your days-off?
            improvement  of  professionalism  of  office  employees   If days-off mean public holidays or weekends, they
            and directors’ body, our consultants capacity building,   do not exist for me at all. Days-off are the time free
            and accordingly, improvement in the quality of services   from any journeys, business journeys or conferences.
            while servicing the clients. The key moment here is the   They are days-off for me. Of course, a day-off is only
            training  in  our  International  Business  Academy  which   with the family. And the best rest with the family is in
            has  a  governmental  license.  We  are  planning  to  pay   the forest in nature, near a lake, on dacha.
            more attention in terms of training, and accordingly, to
            improve the content of these seminars, and, of course,   DICIPLINE
            the quality of preparation of our own speakers, lecturers.
                                                              AND RESPONSIBILITY
               What would you like to tell people who are only
            planning but have not started to cooperate with Life   Before becoming a successful businessman,
            is Good for some reason yet?                      you were an officer. This profession, as no other,
               What  I  can  say  –  it  is  necessary  to  move,  nothing   makes impact on the character of a person. What
            ventured, nothing gained. It is necessary to make the   in your  character initially contributed  to  your
            decisions bravely and go forward to achieve your goal   success  in  this  field,  and,  vice  versa,  how  did
            with confidence.                                  military schooling influence your development as
                                                              the personality?
            WORK OF LOVE                                        I think that military schooling was integral to the
            IS PLEASURE                                       formation of my personality. Military upbringing is,
                                                              first of all, the discipline and responsibility, especially
                                                              if you have a small unit, if there are people after
               For 4 years of its existence the company may   you, you must be responsible for them. And if to say
            boast not just of great achievements, but a number   briefly, this is such motto of an officer, a golden rule
            of socially important projects. All these require a lot   for any military man: “Life – to Motherland, heart – to
            of time spending. Do you manage to have some rest   a woman, honor – to nobody!” Perhaps, these are the
            from work?                                        key moments which were put into my character.
               Of  course,  I  manage  to  have  rest,  reloading  is   My  mother  and  farther  are  officers,  my  father’s
            necessary. The best rest for me is with my family outdoors.   brother,  as  well  as  my  mother’s  brother  are  officers
            But I’d like to note that if you do your favorite work, it   too.  As  I  was  growing  up  in  military  communities,  I
            cannot be called work, you are not tired of the work of   did not see the other life at all and did not imagine
            love. Even if you go somewhere to the holiday, you are  it. Naturally, I had only one decision – to become a
            all the same in tonus, and your brains are all the same   military man. Military upbringing is ship-damage
            working. Because this work is favorite. It is necessary to   control.  Ability  to  survive,  dignity,  honor,  discipline
            rest from work, but you cannot rest from your favorite   and honesty are the key aspects which allow to be
            work, even if you go to the ends of the earth. It is doing   developed  in  the  military  collective,  among  men.
            your favorite work that gives you pleasure. Confucius   Because  you  are  in the  collective of  men  which
            once said: “Choose congenial employment and you will   includes a lot of people. There are 150 people in one
            not have to work till the end of your life”.      bedroom. A military barrack is one bedroom. And
                                                              when 150 people communicate, each man must be
               Is your rest usually planned or spontaneous?   able to maintain his reputation and be the personality,
               Of  course,  I  always  plan  my  rest  with  the  family.  If   be a  man,  be able  to lend his  shoulder  and  rescue
            suddenly there is the opportunity and I have some time   people.

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