Page 29 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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In details  | LIFE IS GOOD  29

               pleasant and effective communication. For, as John
               Rockefeller  said:  “Communicate!  Money  comes  to
               you through other people. Unsociable people rarely     YOU NEED TO DROP
               become rich!”
                                                                      EVERYTHING AND
               WHAT DOES THE TRAINING                                 SIGN UP FOR A
               GIVE YOU?                                              SEMINAR IF YOU
                                                                      HAVE AT LEAST ONE
                 Any  affair  or  business  is  first  of  all  work.  Even  if
               this is a favorite work, a person eventually gets tired,   OF THE FOLLOWING
               becomes  indifferent,  drags  himself/herself  into  a   SYMPTOMS:
               routine thus losing his/her motivation. This is a serious
               rollback from the positions gained.                   1. YOU FEEL LIKE A HAMSTER IN A WHEEL.
                 That is why changing of the situation from time to   AS SOON AS YOU ARE DISTRACTED FROM
               time, get new knowledge and emotions, make new         YOUR WORK/BUSINESS FOR AT LEAST 1 DAY,
               friends, get a light “kick” and break away from the
               routine is necessary.                                  PROBLEMS IMMEDIATELY OCCUR THERE.
                 This is the only way to motivate yourself for       2. YOU DEVELOP YOUR BUSINESS “ANYHOW” AND
               continuous work on your business, to develop it and    RANDOMLY, “GO WITH THE FLOW”, THEREFORE
               INCREASE your income. Trainings of the International   THE MATERIAL AND MORAL SATISFACTION
               Business Academy, which are held in a very comfortable
               and friendly format, give you all this at the same time.   FROM WORK IS JUST ABOVE ZERO.
               It uses new technologies, techniques and methods of   3. YOU WERE STUCK OR EVEN GOT STUCK IN A
               interaction with customers, clients and partners.      ZONE OF DOUBTFUL COMFORT AND ARE JUST
                 Constant training and communication with
               colleagues, business owners and real millionaires is   AFRAID TO LEAVE THIS QUIET, BUT COMPLETELY
               the best way to motivate you and generally keep up     UNPROMISING HARBOR.
               with the times.                                       4. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO (OR TOO LITTLE)
                 To  be  more  specific,  each  seminar  is  a  new  brick
               in the foundation of your business and step-by-step    TIME FOR PRIVATE LIFE, FAMILY AND HOBBIES.
               guide relating to what to do next or how to solve a    YOUR WORK TAKES ALL YOUR TIME.
               specific problem.                                     5. YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW OR DO NOT WANT
                 Here  you  will  find  innovative  ideas  for  the
               development of individual business strategies, and, of   TO DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITIES IN YOUR
               course, detailed recommendations as for how, what,     BUSINESS STRUCTURE; YOU ARE USED TO
               where and with whom to do to make good money. If       PERFORM ALL THE WORK FOR EVERYONE
               necessary, here you can find out how to revive your    AND CONTROL EVERY STEP OF YOUR
               business. And most importantly, you will be able to    SUBORDINATES.
               significantly INCREASE your income by introducing the
               knowledge gained.                                     6. YOU ARE NOT CONFIDENT IN THE FUTURE OF
                 After the seminar, the most important thing is       YOUR BUSINESS.
               that every student of the Academy receives unique     7. YOU HAVE LOST THE “FIRE” AND THERE IS
               knowledge, a case of effective tools for making money
               and inner satisfaction of him/her and his/her work. In   NOWHERE TO DRAW INSPIRATION FOR NEW
               addition, all participants receive an official document   HORIZONS.
               (diploma, certificate) confirming the business coaching   8. YOU JUST WANT TO EARN 2, 3, 5 OR 10 TIMES
               completion.                                            MORE.
                 You can be sure that after such an active “shake-up”
               and clear recommendations, you just cannot wait to    9. SUCCESS, FREEDOM, WEALTH… YOU CAN FIND
               try out new techniques and methods. The results will   OUT ABOUT ALL OF THIS NOWHERE BUT AT
               not slow to arrive; you will see for yourself!         SEMINARS OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
                 And again, let’s remember the old Rockefeller and
               his  motivation:  “Think  about  how  to  earn  at  least   ACADEMY. PLEASE, USE, IMPLEMENT AND
               50,000 per month or more. You can’t do less!” You      GROW!
               can trust him...

               LIFE IS GOOD. STYLE | № 1                                                                                                                                                                                                   
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