Page 34 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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34 EXPERT LIFE IS GOOD | Interview
A huge practice and thousands of personal The International Business Academy exists not
meetings with clients helped me to master this new so long ago, but it is already well known around
profession. I loved sales with all my heart. When I the world. How many people have completed your
became a champion in personal sales and was in the training programs and what areas of training does
team classification among 19 countries and 18,000 the Academy offer?
employees, I wanted to teach this to others. That’s I concluded a contract with the International
when I met Bodo Schaefer. Attending his seminars, I Business Academy three and a half years ago. During
confirmed that my dream of becoming a coach can this time thousands of employees of the Life is Good
become a reality for me. After Bodo Schaefer, I moved attended my seminars and webinars. I am very
into an investment insurance business. pleased to cooperate with a powerfully developing
In a few years, I went through my entire career at international holding not only because of their great
WK-Invest GmbH and became a vice-president of this idea and excellent products for sale. An important
company. At the same time, studying a large number factor is that the president of the holding Roman
of business literatures and using a great experience Viktorovich Vasilenko does everything to ensure that
in personal and team sales, I had been creating my his team of thousands of employees works absolutely
own virtuoso and mellow sales system for 15 years. professionally on the market.
Since 2004, I had been holding seminars not only in
Germany, but also in the countries of the former USSR. The following topics are in the arsenal of my
I have created my own Adlerakademie, having an Academy:
international patent for this activity. • 12 eight-hour training seminars on “Virtuoso
I like to help others. When I see how destinies of sales”;
people are really changed after training at seminars, • 9 seminars on “Manager – Leader”;
how people become successful and not only start • 9 seminars on public speaking;
talking about money, but also seriously earn it, I • financial literacy, investment insurance;
understand again and again that I took up this matter • motivational, psychological and spiritual
not in vain. At the same time, my heart is filled with joy, seminars;
happiness, great energy and the desire to continue to • 10 three-hour webinars on “Mellow sales”;
do this wonderful work. • books, audio and video products.
Who are your trainings and seminars for?
For self-employed businessmen of all levels,
including the leadership. For managers and trainers
of companies responsible for training their employees.
What experts does the IBA Academy involve to
I am very pleased to be on the same stage with
such famous coaches as Allan Pease, Bob Doyle,
Roman Vasilenko, Doug Wead and Ron Jenson.
As you know, business education is today very
developed all over the world. What radically new
can the IBA Academy offer to its students?
Being an official IBA partner, I can firmly say that
the Academy gives its students what is called the
“upper professionalism”. In fact, a business without
sales is dead, and only an active business makes a
person prosperous and successful. Realizing this, my
Adlerakademie and the IBA Academy do everything
so that the most advanced knowledge, ideas and
principles of successful business development form
the basis of the activities of all employees of the Life is
Good Holding.
How do your technologies and teaching methods
differ from those in other educational institutions?
100% champion practice. The method of “mellow
sales”, which has no analogues on the market, is based