Page 38 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 38

38      EXPERT LIFE IS GOOD | Interview

                                                 Bob DOYLE:

                                                 «IF YOU HAVE A

                                                 DREAM – GO FOR IT!»

                                                I  am  pleased  to  teach  business  owners  the  “Law  of  Attraction,”  since
                                             understanding that this law allows us to materialize thoughts. This is a real
                                             science and there are people whose life is a visual illustration of the “Law
                                             of Attraction.” My business partner Roman VASILENKO, the owner and the
                                             founder of the Life is Good – is a perfect example of a person who sets goals
                                             and achieves them. Roman created a unique product and unique company
                                             with a worthy mission. The Life is Good gives you the opportunity to
               Bob DOYLE is the world-size   become successful. This business building system has no analogues; it is the
            business coach, the co-author    best in its field. What is the secret of success? There are several factors: you
            of the book and the film “The    must believe in what you do, you must love your business. The Life is Good
            Secret” on how to develop your   is a team of professionals with many years of successful work experience.
            capabilities and learn how to    According to the Law of Attraction, it is much easier for you to succeed and
            make your dreams come true.      realize your dreams, if you surround yourself with successful people. And
                                             finally, the success of any company depends on business partners. One of
                                             the partners of the Life is Good is the IBA International Business Academy
                                             with its experts, who have unique knowledge and experience that share.
                                             I am happy to be part of this team of successful professionals and I am
                                             confident that our cooperation will help you achieve greater success.

                                                Allan PEASE:

                                                «BUILD YOUR FUTURE

                                                TOGETHER WITH THE

                                                LIFE IS GOOD»

                                                I  am  pleased  to  introduce  you  with  my  business  partner,  Roman
                                             VASILENKO, a strong and successful leader, an experienced financier who
                                             has devoted his life to marketing and management. He is the founder of
                                             the ambitious and successful Life is Good Company and the International
                                             Business Academy IBA. To make your dreams come true, you don’t need
               Allan Pease is the well-known   to invent something; The Life is Good already knows how to implement
            author of many books, including   them and what most important, it has the capacity and potential to transfer
            the best-selling book “The Body   its  experience  to  you.  In  order  to  achieve  financial  freedom  and  realize
            Language”,   the   trainer,  the  your dreams, I give you three simple recommendations: take professional
            recognized expert in non-verbal   trainings and seminars developed by the International Business Academy
            communication, the member of the   IBA, communicate with successful people in the Life is Good, be realized
            Royal Society of Humanities, the   with the Life is Good, as it offers passive income and the highest paid career.
            Australian Management Institute   I  am  pleased  to  be  a  member  of  the  Life  is  Good  team,  I  believe  in  it,
            and the Writers Association.     because already now it surpasses many of its competitors in the uniqueness
                                             of  financial  offers  and  great  career  opportunities.  Take  your  future  into
                                             your own hands, and see you soon at my seminars. “BUILD YOUR FUTURE
                                             TOGETHER WITH THE LIFE IS GOOD”

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