Page 35 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 35

Interview  | LIFE IS GOOD EXPERT  35

               not on the NLP, but on the system of logical thinking  time, and then just reversed them, etc. I was shocked
               and a virtuoso questioning system under the principle  by what I saw and heard, and he cried and asked for
               of logical aikido. This method is offered to students not  help. We talked a lot with him about the meaning of
               only in theory, but also in practical training!  life and his soul. He began with that he asked everyone
                                                                for forgiveness and established relations in the family
                 Can you tell real success stories after completing  and with clients. We made together a plan to pay off his
               training at the Academy?                         debts and in parallel created a “financial safety cushion”.
                 There are a lot of real stories and reviews. Here is  He completely cleaned up his business structure and
               one of them. One day I got a call from a leader of a  began to almost re-build his business. I was constantly
               company in Germany who asked me for a meeting. I  training employees and kept his personal sales under
               agreed, since I had already heard a little about him.  control. A few years later he became one of the Leading
               When  we  met,  he  told  me  about  himself  and  his  Directors  of  his  company.  For  his  efforts  in  business
               plans and asked for help. I said that it would be very  he received a car as a gift. He paid off his debts. The
               expensive, to which he replied that he would not leave  family is joined again; he and his wife bring up their
               me alone, because I was his last hope. That interested  son. Recently, he came to me and gratefully gave me a
               me. I began to ask him various questions, letting his  gold watch. He showed his printout, where he earned
               so-called  mask  slip.  Finally,  I  found  out  that  there  about 600,000 Euros for six months.
               was a deeply unfortunate person in front of me, who   When people thank for great changes for the better
               steeped  in  drunkenness  and  deception.  His  partying  in their lives, when broken families are joined, financial
               lifestyle and intrigue resulted in the loss of his family.  well-being and success come to my students and
               Despite his still not bad earnings, he was next door to  people obtain meaning in life and spiritual growth, I
               bankruptcy and in huge debts. In front of me was a  think it is worth living for.
               ruin man.
                 With  God’s  help,  I  decided  to  help  him.  For  a   What are the IBA near-term and long-term
               long time, we had been studying the reasons for  prospects?
               his psychological and spiritual decline. The problem   The prospects are great if entrepreneurs are
               was that he was not ready for lots of money, and  ready to train and strive for fundamental success, to
               when  money  came,  he  was  taken  in  debauchery  change their thinking, characters and habits under
               and drunkenness. That lifestyle resulted in the fact  the  guidance  of  the  best  coaches  of  the  world.  If
               that he stopped earning money well, but the money  entrepreneurs train financial planning and go to
               was needed, and then he and his employees began  people with this idea, helping them to provide
               to  deceive  clients  and  the  company.  They  forged  themselves with housing and a comfortable old age,
               documents, issued policies for already dead people in  then both the Academy and its students will expand
               order to get wages, paid for those policies for the first  life horizons on the way to global success.

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