Page 65 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
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The best of the best | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM 65
Briefly about myself before meeting day and night, set a goal and went for it! How to motivate
with the Life is Good. yourself? Moving towards the goal, it is necessary to clearly
I was born and grew up in Uzbekistan. This is a special understand it. What happens when you reach it? How will
country. It honors centuries-old traditions, people are very your life change? Constantly visualize in your head what
tied to the family. I love to relax in this wonderful hospitable are you striving for. Awareness of the reward waiting ahead
country! Many things change, but fragrant Uzbek tea, pilaf motivates in the most difficult moments.
and dried apricots remain in every home. The soul of Is it worth so much effort? Will income be worthy? I think
Uzbekistan remains the same. that I don’t earn much, but my monthly income allows me
I came to Russia at age of understanding. It has become to buy a new car in the showroom that someone cannot
dear to me, I am proud of it and happy that I live in this afford in its entire life.
country! Russia is a strong, powerful state, and our task is How to understand that you are on the way to the
to preserve this status behind it! long-awaited success? By the number of zeros in your
Education and training. I graduated from the Tashkent bank account? By the brand of your car? Or maybe by
University of World Economy and Diplomacy. I was a your changed attitude towards money, people and life in
private entrepreneur, a trainer and a teacher of additional general?
education in martial arts. I believe that we should develop I am deeply convinced that in the MLM business you
spiritually and physically, since health is one of the have to grow as a person, become a leader, get rid of fears
foundations for achieving success. and complexes. Your growth will be determined by the
number of actions that you have taken to achieve a result.
What brought you to the Life is Good? And your business results are the main measure of your
I came to the company at the invitation of my coach, the success. Results in the form of a team, the number of leaders
President of the Wushu Federation Alexander Fedorovich in your team, in the amount of your check. Everything
Zheng. I immediately became interested! In our country, else is empty words. The person who came to network
there are enough marketing should work for
companies that operate in the result. Otherwise, why
the MLM market. But the do business at all?
Life is Good is unique! With Surround yourself with
a unique product that helps interesting and intelligent
people to buy housing, people, positive and
increase their capital. It exciting situations, finally,
gives you the opportunity status things, and then you
to achieve success, get will become so. Dream
recognition and earn very and set goals, harbor
good money. The company no illusions, but dream.
encourages employees Know that everything is
to travel and rewards! We absolutely possible. Yes,
have our own International everything is relative, that
Business Academy! When is why difficulties are born.
you understand all this, it But again, there are no
becomes clear that there difficulties that cannot be
is simply no alternative to overcome.
such a company. My wife MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS And life is filled with
and I always tried to take a Director of the 8th level of the company Life is bright moments when you
decent position in modern Good. For the fourth year I am in the top twenty surround yourself with
life, and the Life is Good of the strongest company managers. During bright people, people who
allows us to realize all our this time I visited more than 30 countries of the look in the same direction
dreams and plans. For the world. I passed author’s school of rhetoric. I am with you! Everything is
last four years we have a lecturer at the Life is Good. I built a structure much easier than you think!
been developing business, of over 4,000 people. Think positive, and
traveling and improving success certainly awaits
ourselves! And this is work, HOBBIES AND INTERESTS you! Thanks to my wife and
the cycle of events, which For over 25 years I have been practicing family! Now they are my
is life. martial arts and sports. The champion of support and support! I no
wushu sanda 2008-2009 in the Rostov region. longer seek confirmation
What is the secret of 2nd place in the Jiu-Jitsu South Federal of my actions and do
your success? District in 2010. I like to train and bring up the not expect approval. I do
Меня часто спрашива- sporting spirit in my students. I like to develop everything for myself and
ют,I am often asked how not only spiritually, but also physically! As for the family. I realized
it was possible to achieve the saying goes: «In a healthy body - healthy myself in life, received
such heights in a short mind!» recognition and do my
period of time. I worked favorite business!