Page 69 - Life is Good Style 2018_английская версия
P. 69

The best of the best  | LIFE IS GOOD TEAM  69

                 Briefly about myself before meeting             then, and I have reached great heights in business. I see
                 with the Life is Good.                          that this way many can handle with, the main thing is to
                 I was born and grew up in the beautiful city of Astana.  take that right decision and to take all the responsibility
                 Marital status: I have children, grandchildren.  on oneself, that is, to be devoted to work, to improve
                 Education and training. I received a higher economic   knowledge, to use the experience of others.
               education,  by  profession  –  a  financier.  All  my  life  I
               worked in the state structure, in recent years I was the   How did you achieve your first success?
               director of a large department.                     When  Roman  Viktorovich  proposed  the  idea  of  a
                                                                 cooperative, it seemed to me a great idea for helping
                 What brought you to the Life is Good?           people! The Best Way Housing Cooperative helps people
                 Do you believe in fortune, in providence?       not only to purchase housing on favorable terms, but
                 We met with Roman Viktorovich Vasilenko in 1998,   also to earn extra money, to insure themselves in the
               going on vacation, on a plane. This accidental meeting   event of a reduction of personnel.
               turned out to be fateful,                                                    We organized a seminar
               as for  many.  And  then  it                                              in Kazakhstan, inviting the
               all depended on whether                                                   president of the company
               I  believed  in  myself,  in                                              and his advisers, as well
               the prospects of that                                                     as   representatives  of
               attractive business that                                                  partner  companies. The
               this amazing person was                                                   participants and guests of
               talking about.                                                            the first seminar were very
                 After   listening  to                                                   pleased with the program
               the lecture of Roman                                                      of  the  company,  most  of
               Vasilenko,  I  decided  to                                                the guests supported the
               be with him on the same                                                   program, becoming its first
               team, and throughout all                                                  clients. The entire work of
               these  years  I  have  been                                               the seminar was based on
               happy to take part in his                                                 clear explanations about
               projects. I am glad that I                                                the work of the housing
               was not mistaken, after                                                   cooperative, the basis of
               many  years  I  was  many                                                 which is the federal laws
               times convinced of this.                                                  of the Russian Federation,
                 The investment account                                                  and the traditional ideas
               idea  offered  by  him  was                                               of    cooperation   are
               so  good  that  I  opened        MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS            combined  with  the  best
               the account without a            The best employee over the years. Leader   international practice.
               second thought. After            of the TOP-20. Director of the 8th level. I   Not all participants of
               checking my account              received all the awards of the company. I   the  first  seminar  became
               for a while, considering         visited many countries, saw the world.   partners of the company,
               the   profitability   and                                                 many remained at the
               advantages    of   the           HOBBIES AND INTERESTS                    end at the level of clients.
               company,  I  decided  to         Traveling. Every time when you go to a   But those who made this
               quit my job and become           country with a different way of life, with its   important decision for
               a partner of the company.        distinctive history, you seem as you to get   themselves, have reached
                 In the view of my close        to the other planet. And how pleasant it is   today  a  solid  financial
               people, it was quite a risky     to feel yourself as a part of the huge world,   position, recognition of
               step. I quit my position a       to recognize its new colors and understand   others, self-reliance and
               couple of years before           that you get to know all this thanks to your   confidence  in  the  future.
               my retirement, and, of           own efforts. Thank you, Life is Good, for the   At the moment, for 3.5
               course, you can imagine          opportunity!                             years 5 directors have
               what kind of confusion it                                                 grown  in  my structure.
               was for my environment –                                                  And this is not the limit!
               both my colleagues and my family. The children did not   I  often  hear  the  question:  “Do  you  have  passive
               want to support the idea of work in a network business   income, and you still work?” My mission is to share my
               that they thought were strange, insisting that I should at   experience, knowledge with people and make others
               least work until the retirement. My grandson supported   happy. Nature laid the desire to improve knowledge,
               me, he was still in school at the time, but nevertheless   skills, achievements in the human.
               began to help me.                                   The basic principles for achieving success are the
                 Probably,  the  financier’s  genes  woke  up,  inherited   belief in what you are doing and a strong desire to
               from his grandmother. Twenty years have passed since   achieve your goals.

               LIFE IS GOOD. STYLE | №  1                                                                                                                                                                                                  
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