Page 11 - LutheranWest_LookBook2018-2019
P. 11

129                                                “The  faith-centered  structure  of  Lutheran

                                                                               West makes it easy to find ways to serve others
                                                                               and to make a real difference in my community.
                                                                               Through my service, I have grown as a person
                        unique organizations to which                          and  discovered  that  service  to  others  is  an
                     Lutheran West students have donated                       important piece of my faith that will never
                      their time during the past five years.                   leave me.”      - ISABELLE DONAHUE, CLASS OF 2020


                  average annual number of community service                      FAITH & SERVICE
                      hours given by students and faculty

                                              440.799.8328  |  L UTH ERA NWEST.COM  |  A DMISSIONS@L UTH ERA NWEST.COM                                    11
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