Page 13 - LutheranWest_LookBook2018-2019
P. 13
Art Vocal Music
The art program at Lutheran West The vocal music program at
provides a chance for students Lutheran West is exciting
to explore their creativity and and open to all students with
perspective. Art courses include interest in developing their vocal
traditional classes such as performance skills. Opportunities
drawing, painting, and ceramics, to participate include Freshman
as well as modern arts such as Choir, Chorale, and a cappella
digital photography and computer Singers.
Drama graphics. Students work both Instrumental
individually and collaboratively
The drama program at Lutheran to produce unique works of art Music All of our vocal music groups
West allows students to explore and are able to explore a variety participate in concerts and
their interests and improve their of media with which to bring their Instrumental music at Lutheran performances throughout the
skills in all areas of theater. Not visions to life. Students display their West is multifaceted and welcomes year on our campus, at area
only are our students the actors work throughout the year for their participation by students of all churches, and at local community
on stage, but they also work hard peers, families, and the community. proficiency levels. Instrumental events.
behind the scenes creating sets and music options include Concert
props, making costumes, designing Band, Stage Jazz Band, Marching
light and sound plots, creating hair Band, Pit Band, Orchestra, and
and make-up looks, and ushering Chamber Music.
during the performances. Our two
big productions during the school Instrumental music provides
year are a full-length play in the students the opportunity to
fall and a musical in the spring. It is
common for the musical to involve be involved in the excitement
close to twenty percent of our of football games, as well as
student body, including the cast, off-campus travel performances
crew, and pit band members! and on-campus programs.
Eligible drama students can join
our school’s active chapter of the
International Thespian Society.