Page 2 - THEi Student Applied Research Presentations 2023
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Message from

               the President

               W      elcome to THEi Student Applied           Environmental engineering projects developing

               Research Presentations (SARP).                  bio-based filters with anti-bacterial properties,
                                                               or biodegradable nano-fibers from wood waste
               With the easing of the COVID-19 pandemic in     for use in face mask production (Environmental
               Hong Kong, THEi was able to open its campuses   Engineering  and  Management/FST)  are  good
               and  welcome  the  return  of  our  students  and   reminders of our need to stay vigilant in disease
               staff.  Learning is now in full swing accompanied   prevention and be environmentally-friendly.
               by  energy  and  eagerness.    Engaging  THEi
               students in applied research through their      Construction  projects  experimenting  with
               Final Year Projects is a vital part of education at   oyster shells to produce eco-concrete, exploring
               THEi with the objectives of developing students’   the  effects  of  humidity  and  temperature  on
               design thinking and problem-solving abilities,   concrete  strength  (Civil  Engineering/FST),  and
               and directing their learning focuses to the     testing  self-healing  concrete  (Testing  and
               needs of Hong Kong industries and people.       Certification/FST);  and  aircraft  engineering
                                                               projects investigating 5G radio interference on
               I am pleased to bring you the SARP 2023, which   aircraft, and ways to improve fighter jet ejection
               is held in hybrid mode this year.  It is exciting   seat systems (Aircraft Engineering/FST).
               that  there  are  85  submissions  from  students
               across 20 programmes of the Faculty of Science   2. Clean Energy and Energy-saving Measures
               and  Technology  (FST),  Faculty  of  Design  and
               Environment (FDE), and Faculty of Management    Projects optimising energy performance,
               and Hospitality (FMH).  The projects are practical   exploring  smart  energy  saving  technology,
               and relevant for today’s society.  The themes of   using solar energy, reducing light pollution
               the presentations are as follows:               (Building Services Engineering/FST), assessing
                                                               energy  neutrality  in  wastewater  treatment
               1. Innovative Design and Green Products         (Environmental Engineering and Management/

               Projects creating innovative products for       FST), as well as investigating potential
               special groups (Product Design/FDE), analysing   sources of clean energy, for example, catalyst
               trees on slopes, roadside, and urban parks to   development    for   hydrogen    production
               inform landscape  management (Horticulture,     (Environmental Engineering and Management/
               Arboriculture  and  Landscape  Management/      FST).
               FDE), and designing sustainable communities     3. Consumer Experience with Technologies
               in Hong Kong (Landscape Architecture/FDE and
               Surveying/FDE).                                 Projects studying how various marketing

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