Page 3 - THEi Student Applied Research Presentations 2023
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strategies such as social media and scent       FST), and non-dairy-based ice-cream (Culinary
               marketing  influence  consumer  behaviour       Arts and Management/FMH).
               (Fashion Design/FDE), and the use of chatbots
               in digital marketing (Public Relations and      Projects conducting electronic taste analysis
               International   Events   Management/FMH);       with the Electronic Tongue to guide food and
               whilst other projects focusing on consumers’    beverage  development  e.g.,  mooncakes  and
               experience  with  self-service  technology  in   cocktails  (Food  Science  and  Safety/FST), and
               hotels (Hotels Operations Management/           analyzing consumers’ acceptability of plant-
               FMH),  or  with  attending  virtual  conference   based milk, or food made of food by-products
               (Public  Relations  and  International  Events   (Culinary Arts and Management/FMH).
               Management/FMH). In Multimedia Technology
               and  Innovation/FDE,  projects  developing      From 20 November 2023 onward, these
               interactive games and music videos to enrich    projects, in the form of abstracts, posters
               user experience.                                and video presentations, will be on display
                                                               on THEi’s website.  Physical poster exhibitions
               4. Caring for the Body and Mind                 will be held from 20 to 24 November on the

               Projects researching the use of art therapy to   Tsing  Yi  Campus,  and  from  27  November  to
               reduce stress (Health Care/FST) or horticultural   1  December  on  the  Chai  Wan  Campus.    The
               activities to improve social well-being (Chinese   Best  Poster  Awards  and  Best  Video  Awards
               Medicinal   Pharmacy/FST);   and    projects    Competition will be held online during the same
               evaluating  the  impact  of  different  exercise   period  as  the  poster  exhibitions.    I  sincerely
               types on the physical body, and the factors     invite all of you to view our students’ creative
               affecting Hong Kong students’ participation in   work and vote for your favourite posters and
               sports (Sports and Recreation Management/       videos.
               FMH).                                                                    Professor Alan Lau

               5. New Food Development Using Food By-                                       President, THEi
               products and Dairy Alternatives
                                                                                           November 2023
               Projects  experimenting  with  the  use  of
               alternative ingredients or food by-products
               to  develop  new  food  products,  for  example,
               gluten-free yam-based rice puffs, plant-based
               rice bagels, vegan crispy pork sheets made of
               sweet corn residue (Food Science and Safety/

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