Page 10 - November 2017
P. 10             Bank, Chicago, Illinois (Receivership Estate).
               08/pdf/2017-24284.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,     The Receiver has made all dividend distributions
               No. 215, 11/08/2017, 51832-51833.                     required by law. The Receiver has further
                                                                     irrevocably authorized and appointed FDIC-
               •  FDIC announced it has been authorized to take      Corporate as its attorney-in-fact to execute and
                   all actions necessary to terminate the            file any and all documents that may be required
                   receivership estate of Oglethorpe Bank,           to be executed by the Receiver which FDIC-
                   Brunswick, Georgia (Receivership Estate). The     Corporate, in its sole discretion, deems
                   Receiver has made all dividend distributions      necessary; including but not limited to releases,
                   required by law. The Receiver has further         discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,
                   irrevocably authorized and appointed FDIC-        assignments and deeds. Effective 11/01/2017,
                   Corporate as its attorney-in-fact to execute and   the Receivership Estate has been terminated, the
                   file any and all documents that may be required   Receiver discharged, and the Receivership Estate
                   to be executed by the Receiver which FDIC-        has ceased to exist as a legal entity. The notice
                   Corporate, in its sole discretion, deems          may be viewed at:
                   necessary; including but not limited to releases,
                   discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,          09/pdf/2017-24428.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                   assignments and deeds. Effective 11/01/2017,      82, No. 216, 11/09/2017, 52044.
                   the Receivership Estate has been terminated, the
                   Receiver discharged, and the Receivership Estate   OCC Proposes Changes to Annual Stress
                   has ceased to exist as a legal entity. The notice   Test.
                   may be viewed at:
               The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
                   08/pdf/2017-24282.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.   proposed revisions to its stress testing rule. The
                   82, No. 215, 11/08/2017, 51832.                proposed rule would change the range of possible
                                                                  “as-of” dates used in the global market shock
                                                                  component to conform to changes recently made by
               •  FDIC announced it has been authorized to take   FRB to its stress testing regulations. The proposed
                   all actions necessary to terminate the         rule would also change the transition process for
                   receivership estate of Patriot Bank Minnesota,   covered institutions with $50 billion or more in
                   Forest Lake, Minnesota (Receivership Estate).   assets. Comments are due 12/26/2017. The notice
                   The Receiver has made all dividend distributions   may be viewed at:
                   required by law. The Receiver has further
                   irrevocably authorized and appointed FDIC-     27/pdf/2017-23353.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82,
                   Corporate as its attorney-in-fact to execute and   No. 207, 10/27/2017, 49764-49767.
                   file any and all documents that may be required
                   to be executed by the Receiver which FDIC-     OCC Rescinds Supervisory Guidance.
                   Corporate, in its sole discretion, deems
                   necessary; including but not limited to releases,   OCC is rescinding its supervisory guidance entitled
                   discharges, satisfactions, endorsements,       “Guidance on Supervisory Concerns and
                   assignments and deeds. Effective 11/01/2017,   Expectations Regarding Deposit Advance Products”
                   the Receivership Estate has been terminated, the   and OCC Bulletin 2013–40 (collectively, Guidance),
                                                                  which address OCC’s expectations regarding the
                   Receiver discharged, and the Receivership Estate   offering of deposit advance products by national
                   has ceased to exist as a legal entity. The notice   banks and federal savings associations (collectively,
                   may be viewed at:                              banks). OCC is rescinding the Guidance in light of
               the adoption of a final rule on payday, vehicle title,
                   08/pdf/2017-24286.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.   and certain high-cost installment loans by CFPB,
                   82, No. 215, 11/08/2017, 51833.                which overlaps with the Guidance, resulting in
                                                                  potentially inconsistent regulatory guidance for
               •  FDIC announced it has been authorized to take   banks. The Guidance is rescinded effective
                   all actions necessary to terminate the         10/05/2017. The notice may be viewed at:
                   receivership estate of Highland Community

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