Page 7 - November 2017
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which FDIC will announce the effective date of the FDIC Issues Terminations of
amendatory instruction. The notice may be viewed at: Receiverships.
30/pdf/2017-21951.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, • FDIC announced it intends to terminate the
No. 208, 10/30/2017, 50228-50268.
receivership of Blue Ridge Savings Bank, Inc.,
FDIC Issues Notice of Meeting of Asheville, North Carolina. FDIC was appointed
receiver of Blue Ridge Savings Bank, Inc. on
Advisory Committee on Community 10/14/2014. The liquidation of the receivership
Banking. assets has been completed. To the extent
permitted by available funds and in accordance
FDIC issued a notice of open meeting of the FDIC with law, the Receiver will be making a final
Advisory Committee on Community Banking. The
meeting will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on dividend payment to proven creditors. The
11/01/2017 in the FDIC Building in Washington D.C. Receiver has determined that the continued
The notice may be viewed at: existence of the receivership will serve no useful purpose. Consequently, notice is given that the
17/pdf/2017-22421.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, receivership shall be terminated, to be effective
No. 199, 10/17/2017, 48230. no sooner than thirty days after the date of the
notice. If any person wishes to comment
FDIC Requests Comment on Information concerning the termination of the receivership,
Collection. such comment must be made in writing and sent
within thirty days of the date of the notice to:
FDIC announced it seeks comment on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Division
information collection titled Information Collection of Resolutions and Receiverships, Attention:
for Qualitative Research. FDIC also gave notice that Receivership Oversight Department 32.1, 1601
it sent the collection to OMB for review. Comments Bryan Street, Dallas, TX 75201. No comments
are due 11/29/2017. The notice may be viewed at: concerning the termination of this receivership will be considered which are not sent within this
30/pdf/2017-23509.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, timeframe. The notice may be viewed at:
No. 208, 10/30/2017, 50126-50127.
16/pdf/2017-22290.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
FDIC Issues Updated Listing of Financial 82, No. 198, 10/16/2017, 48080-48081.
Institutions in Liquidation.
• FDIC announced it intends to terminate the
FDIC issued a notice to announce it has been
appointed the sole receiver for The Farmers and receivership of Putnam State Bank, Palatka,
Merchants State Bank of Argonia, Argonia, Kansas. Florida. FDIC was appointed receiver of
The appointment is effective as of the date closed Putnam State Bank on 06/15/2012. The
indicated in the listing. The list (as updated from time liquidation of the receivership assets has been
to time in the Federal Register) may be relied upon completed. To the extent permitted by available
as of record notice that FDIC has been appointed funds and in accordance with law, the Receiver
receiver for purposes of the statement policy will be making a final dividend payment to
published in the 07/02/1992, issue of the Federal proven creditors. The Receiver has determined
Register. For further information concerning the that the continued existence of the receivership
identification of any institutions which have been will serve no useful purpose. Consequently,
placed in liquidation, please visit FDIC’s website at: notice is given that the receivership shall be or terminated, to be effective no sooner than thirty
contact the Manager of Receivership Oversight in the days after the date of the notice. If any person
appropriate service center. The notice may be viewed
at: wishes to comment concerning the termination
30/pdf/2017-23510.pdf. Federal Register, Vol. 82, of the receivership, such comment must be made
No. 208, 10/30/2017, 50127-20128. in writing and sent within thirty days of the date
of the notice to: Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation, Division of Resolutions and