Page 46 - 2018气侯影视大会2018-09-12
P. 46

44       达尔哈特山谷

             Darkhad Valley

     入围影片    导演:杰夫·科尔霍恩
             Directed by Jeff Colhoun

                  简介:                                          Synopsis:

                  达尔哈特山谷占地超过 6000 平方英里,是                       Occupying over 6,000 square miles, the
                                                               Darkhad Valley is one of the most pristine,
                                                               inaccessible regions of Mongolia. Tumursukh
             他的护林员团队毕生致力于在这片偏远的荒野上                             and his team of rangers devote their lives to

             巡逻,以保护本土濒危物种免遭偷猎者的灭绝。                             patrolling this remote wilderness to protect the
                                                               native endangered species from extinction at
                                                               the hands of poachers.
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