Page 102 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 102
Enrichment Programme
‘ACTIVITIES’ academic and non-academic - are the life blood of a School. Extra and co-curricular activities provide variety to an otherwise,
dull and monotonous routine academic life.
And variety, they say, is the spice of life; it makes living interesting. These activities keep students alert, interested, occupied, active and
provide for their growth; emotionally, mentally and physically. They tickle their grey cells and pump their adrenalin.
As rightly stated “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” keeping this in mind PEP activities in Springdales aim to holistically develop
the character of each and every springdalian. The activities have wide-ranging variety and are conducted with sufficient frequency to en-
sure participation from most of the students.
The activities include singing, dancing, art, calligraphy, quilling and painting which allow them to give expression to their creative talents.
A wide range of sporting activities that are held here ensures that children muscle their way in a competitive spirit and learn to work as a
team, accommodate and assimilate with others and develop their physical capacity for endurance. Such games include Basketball, Football,
Judo, Cricket, Hockey and Badminton. Boosters for subjects like Arabic and Hindi are also offered to students for academic excellence.
On the whole the Pupil Enrichment Programme encourages students to IMAGINE, BELIEVE and ACHIEVE.
Ms. Justina D’Souza and Ms. Zaheen Siddiqui
PEP Coordinators