Page 107 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 107
Language &
Literacy Week
The Language and literacy week was held Language and Literacy Week help to raise
in the month of May from the 1st to 4th awareness of the importance of literacy.
throughout the school. Springdales School, Dubai celebrated Literacy
The aim of the literacy week, this year was Week and held their annual Language and
to encourage children to get into the habit of Literature Festival from the 1st to 4th May.
reading. The entire week was a smashing success
The following events took place during the celebrating the importance of literacy to
Language and literacy week- future learning, life participation and work
opportunities. Getting involved in Language
and Literacy Week is a unique way for parents
and schools to help children develop and
1. Impromptu: the students were given a topic to speak on for about enrich their literacy skills.
2 mins, they were given very less preparation time. Use of iPads, Laptops, Apps such as iMovie, Publication) were
introduced this year as part of the week to raise awareness of the
2. Literacy Quotes/drawing competition: The students of Grade 3 importance of digital literacy as one of the foundation skills for the
participated in a drawing contest based on literacy quotes. workforce in the 21st century and an agenda referred in the vision
The students in their English period were asked to make a visual 2020 by Shaikh Mohammed.
representation of the quote –
“Children are made readers on the Laps of their Parents”- Emilie MY TAKE ON CURRENT AFFAIRS (Grade 7-9)
Students came up with some of the most fantastic mind blowing
3. Decorate Doors!- During their English class the students activities such as poetry painting, wording a painting. The artists
decorated their door, depicting their favorite book. The Students of in them were projected and they showcased one of their best
Grade 3 C were awarded as the ‘Innovative Class ‘ during the literacy listening/speaking/writing skills which indeed was the fundamental
week. idea behind organizing the Language and Literacy Week, whether
it was a topic on a biopic of an author, my take on current affairs
Ms. Justina D’Souza or preparing a mask thinking about their favorite characters like
Coordinator – Grade 3 Mowgli, Sher khan from the novel “Jungle Book” or be it a Melody
from the novel “Out of mind”.
Debates on ‘my take on current affairs’ was the most interesting
activity where students presented their skills as orators, narrators
and argumentative authority like budding journalists who are ready
to take on the world affairs. It was wonderful to receive some of their
feedbacks which accelerated the event of Language and Literacy
Fahim Faisal- 7B
“It was one of the best platform where I could present my views
on Dams and their impact. It helped me project my oratory and
debating skills.”
Rida Khan- 6A
“Language and Literacy Week was the best week I ever had in literacy
where I could make a mask of my favorite character from the novel
Jungle Book”. I used my own imagination to put colors and use my
creative skills to present it to the class.”
Ms. Riya Bose
Subject Leader – English (Secondary)