Page 81 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 81
Armaan’s My Beautiful Kindergarten
Kindergarten Year
It’s my Kindergarten,
A Wonderful garden.
Little Armaan started his school years, Beautiful teachers & nanny,
With so much love and no fears! Teach & care like my granny.
Springdales promised him with building blocks, every day with My magic team learned
enthusiasm he was ready to rock!! ABC &numbers.
Safety & Cleanliness,
He enlightened our lives like a bright shining light, The Caring & Sharing Tantra.
His Kindergarten years made him even more bright! m/m/m/m/ mama, mommy,
His teachers taught him more than we thought, c/c/c/c car,
Timelessly they worked hard & were always ready to applaud!! Phonics is my Mantra.
Enjoyed knowing about
He learnt so many things with so much ease, bravo to his teachers Pets & Birds, Flowers & Colours
and we are so pleased! Smells & Sounds.
Always came up with ideas considered out of box, ever ready to Proper Assembly,
compete with pulled up socks!! Entertaining music classes,
Fun filled P.E.
These Kindergarten years make up so many memories, Team work learning,
Every day was new with so many pleasantries! Attention from teachers,
We are short of words to thank you teachers, Organized PTM & Events,
We believe in you, you are all true preachers!! Exciting Theme Celebrations,
Makes me a proud ‘Kindergarten Springdalian.’
Mr. Ghouse Mr. Archana Sayee
Appreciation Note Thank you note.
Kindergarten She drew, she grew,
She sang, she swam,
She cried, but she tried.
We are happy that Springdales is our Alma Mater, UAE quiz!!
And Kindergarten teachers our guides and mentors. At the age of six,
Springdales Kindergarten has widened our horizon, And swimming,
From buds, we became flowers full of blossom. How did I forget?
Here, we have learned what is wrong and right, The bronze that she did get.
Which we will follow with all our might. She speaks like a pro,
Dear Ma’am’s, you made us learn letters and numbers, And apt she goes.
And that words are powerful and can do wonders. The creamy cream,
We are grateful that we became your students, Our darling has learned to work in a team.
And discovered teachings on love, sharing, and being prudent. Super cute,
Thank you Ma’am’s, for guiding our ways, Eager to contribute.
Accept our gratitude and love, always!
Alphabets, numbers and phonics,
She does all in minutes.
What a lovely year it has been in KG1D,
Thanks to teachers like Prachi and Sharmeen.
Ms. Shuchita Bist Mr. Charanjeet Bhat