Page 82 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 82
Thank you.... I’m a Little
My son will graduate Kindergarten this March & it has been an Springdalian
amazing year. We chose Springdales School to ensure he had a
great foundation before attending primary schooling. Every day we I’m a little Springdalian
noticed he learned something new.
I love my Springdales School
And I’m so proud of you!!
At lunch one afternoon he called us ‘Aby Omy’ & on some days he You are my dear friend smiling at me
sang ‘The National Anthems’. He became an artist by drawing his When I am sad and bored
World his way. He is always excited to write especially his first & On every single day!!
last name & many more new words and sentences. He has become I’m a little Springdalian
independent, disciplined & always eager to help by arranging his I love my Springdales School
things. He has become more creative & adventurous. Thank you And I’m so proud of you!!
Kindergarten teachers for the efforts you make to help him grow.
We will always be grateful to you for your support & kindness.
I love my teachers and my dear friends
I know my ABC’s and my numbers.
Mr. Ishu Chhugani I am having lot of fun too.
I’m a little Springdalian!!
I love my Springdales School!!
Love you And I’m so proud of you!!
Springdales Mr. Alex C George and Ms. Ida Susan Abraham
Oh Springdales! I love you so much. My First Day at
I know no place like such.
I came here when I was four. Springdales
Now I am one year more.
I used to be shy and would often cry. My first day at Springdales, was like a fairytale.
Springdales gave me wings to fly. I was up at five, ready to arrive.
Enriched and elate, to meet my Teacher and classmate.
I knew no letter and no counting I could do. My Teacher Sharmeen, embraced me like a queen.
Now I am so much better, ABC and counting I can do.
She poured me with love, assured like a dove.
I will grow and continue my learning journey here Surrounded with colors so bright, I was junior in limelight.
With my friends, teachers, laughter and cheer. Thank you Springdales, thank you teacher;
For making me feel so IMPERIAL and so DEAR.
Oh Springdales! Now you know why I love you so My first day at Springdales, was indeed magic without curtail.
With time my love will only grow grow grow.
Ms. Uzma Nasim Ms. Judith Afonso