Page 23 - Year Book _final_Sep_Done2
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other forms of expression such as art and other media of expression. editing them and producing a fair draft to be published would not
have been possible without the sincere support of every member
We are sure that the sustained efforts, hard work and innovative of the Editorial Board. Our heartfelt thanks to our dear students,
ideas of the talented Springdalians will surely stir the mind of the teachers,members of the editorial board, the leadership team and
readers towards the wholesome and invigorating world of reading the management who have been of immense help in breathing life
pleasure. We have put in relentless efforts to bring excellence to this into the pages of Primavera 2016.
treasure trove.
I heartily wish the readers the very best and hope that the issue will
Hellen Keller rightly says that alone we can do so little, together enjoy your critical acclaim and prove itself to play a vital role in the
we can do so much. For the herculean task of ploughing our way all-round development of the students.
through the flood of articles from our inquisitive young writers,