Page 1 - Safety Notes January 2022
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Safety Notes
January 2022 Volume 73
Welcome to 2022!
By John Wojciechowski, President
After the challenges of 2020, we learned to be ready for anything! In 2021, we
By Lisa Christofferson, became comfortable, and very good at delivering life-saving safety training
Membership Manager virtually and in hybrid formats. We missed seeing our students and member
companies live and in person, but with the opportunity staging classes virtually
WISH Award Event
provided us, we were able to extend our reach and train over 13,000 people in
On December 15, 2021; the Utah Safety 2021. It was an amazing year, albeit another year of challenges due to the
Council’s Women in Safety Organization pandemic. However, we’re grateful for the good fortune afforded us to continue
presented the 2021 WISH Award our mission of savings lives in the workplace or anyplace.
(Women in Safety and Health) to
Michele McDermaid of Wheeler Cat In March 2021, we hosted our first ever Utah Safety Conference in a virtual format
Machinery/Campbell Companies. with our technology partners at Cvent. We hosted over 250 conference
attendees and 50 exhibitor companies from every corner of Utah, and across the
The WISH Award is given to a
professional who has shown exceptional country. We were able to gain the knowledge of wise leadership from a keynote
dedication and leadership in her speaker live from Hill Air Force base and on the same day experience a keynote
company or throughout her industry. presentation live from Chicago on the virtues of storytelling. It was an incredible
The award is given to someone who has experience; we hope you will join us for the 2022 Utah Safety Conference.
made a significant impact and/or
participated in a unique safety initiative. We started every month in 2021 with a virtual ‘Start with Safety’ presentation
In addition, the recipient also contributes from experts across various safety related topics. In these SWS presentations, we
to the mission of the Utah Safety Council also provided updates with all the great things happening at the Utah Safety
of saving lives by promoting safety and
health through education, Council. We look forward to SWS every month as we welcome in the new year.
services and products. We hope you can join us for these very informative presentations; we have
exciting plans to deliver webinars like you’ve never experience before.
Michele is an extremely deserving winner
and we enjoyed celebrating with her In 2021, we embarked on a big project to help us better engage with our
during this luncheon (see pictures on members. We are working on new website updates and tools to help
page 7). View a recording of the event communicate with our customers more effectively and efficiently. As we
or download pictures from the event progress with our Salesforce implementation, we will only get better as we help
here and make sure to register for Day 1 Utah become a safer place to live, work and play.
(March 30th) of our Utah Safety
Conference and Expo, where we will
feature our next Women in Safety event. (Continued on Page 3)