Page 6 - Human Development Division
P. 6
IsDB-ISFD NGOs Empowerment for Poverty Reduction Program
The Division in close partnership with the Islamic Solidarity Funds for Development (ISFD) and UNDP are working on a transformative initiative aiming at: (i) mapping, screening and categorizing national CSOs in least developed member countries; (ii) providing institution- al capacity development programs to mainstream the NGOs and CSOs as network of developers to participate in the implementation of theBank’soperationsandprograms, (iii) setting up sustainable financing system through the development
of national and regional crowdsourcing platforms; and (iv) allocate ISFD grants to support the economic empowerment program to strengthen the community resilience. A consultative workshop with the representatives of the MCs, CSOs, UN agencies and partners has been conducted. MCs has endorsed the proposal and made important recommendations to strengthen the program sustainability, operationalization and alignment with the national development policies, strategies and plans. The
total cost of the Program is estimated at US$ 21.08 million. The ISFD will participate in the financing of the Program through Grant amounting to US$10million.UNDPwillcontribute an amount of US$1.61 million to the Program. The International NGOs will also contribute an amount of US$ 7.31 million to the Program. Participating NGOs will provide in- kind contribution amounting to US$ 2.11 million. The program is participated in by various donors and partners such as, IFRC, Spark and others.