Page 7 - Human Development Division
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Development of Innovative tools
Resilience at Glance / Jan. 2019 Business
The Division in close collaboration with DFU and CRS has developed various business processes including emergency and relief programs and projects; Muslim Communities in Non-Member Countries projects; and NGOs projects
The Division is piloting “Fragility & Resilience Risks Analysis (FRRA)”, which is a diagnostic tool aiming at designing relevant and effective resilience response intervention through the IsDB-Value Chain. The FRRA aims at (i) understanding the risks and shocks landscape; (ii) assess how the risks and shocks will
affect the society systems; (iii) collect information and data on the systems cope with the risks and they are resilient and; (iv) identify what needs to be done to enhance resilience to enable different parts of the systems to absorb the shocks, adopt them and transform so that not happen again.
Disaster Risks Financing Initiative
The Division is currently working on the DRF initiative which is part of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) mechanism that gives the preparedness and prevention of the crisis more priority to respond to natural disasters when they occur. It is based on the fact that forecasting techniques available by using technology are very advanced to tell us about upcoming and heading
disasters before they occur. However, the response is always delayed and arriving onlyafteracrisisescalates.DRFhasthe following three main components: (i) evidence-based risk modelling enables actors to grasp the level of disaster risks in given country; (ii) contingency planning/Scenario Based Response Planning is designed to anticipate the risk mitigation activities that need to
be carried out when, why, how and by whom; and (ii) pre-positioned financing aims at providing relevant response systems that allocate the necessary financing and resources to respond to present triggers of anticipated disasters. This initiative directly contribute to the value chain approach by mitigating the risks and negative impact of the draught, famine and natural disasters.
Science-based Risk modelling
Contingency planning
Parametric insurance
To understand disaster in the areas of operation
To mitigate the impact of the disasters on vainerable societies
To releace funds based on pre-defined triggersof emerging major disasters
We achieve this
Save Lifes Livelihoods Prosperity